.... follows; 65 - chasing the sub 19 again and hoping for a real race
Monday November 9th to Sunday November 15th
Premier Dan Andrews yesterday announced that the "Ring of Steel" separating Melbourne and rural Vic is over! Melbourne restrictions eased significantly. there have been ZERO Covid cases in Victoria on each of the past nine days. We are still only allowed to run in groups of ten so I have my next race series based on that, starting this weekend.
Mon 9/11 am: 6.24 km - 5:00 average pace - 4:52 fastest km - Max HR 153 (Ave 133)
Tue 10/11 am: 10.11 km - 4:51 average pace - 4:25 fastest km - Max HR 157 (Ave 140)
After dinner on Tuesday I went for a cycle out to the Mouth of the Powlett. Early in the ride I slid the bike while going around a bend on the gravel in the wetlands. I landed on my right side scraping the elbow, hip and fingers. I returned a bit sore and had a long soak in the bath.
On Wednesday morning I was up early and out at the Desal for a run. I repeated the hill a few times. It was around 19 degrees at 6 am.
Wed 11/11 am: 8.22 km - 4:51 average pace - 4:37 fastest km
Thu 12/11 am: 7.46 km - 4:58 average pace - 4:45 fastest km - Max HR 157 (Ave 140)
Friday was a rest day but I was up early anyway and on the bike for a 20 km ride
On Saturday morning I headed to Koonwarra for a (not) parkrun with the running crew. I ran the curse with Bill, Kate and Mathieu where we had a chat. It was then into Inverloch where I was holding teo "predict your time" runs for the Road Runners. I was early so had another cool down.
Sat 14/11 am: 1.80 km - 5:39 average pace
Sat 14/11 am: 5.02 km - 4:38 average pace - 4:34, 4:34, 4:34, 4:50, 4:36 - 23:16
Sat 14/11 am: 2.00 km - 5:08 average pace
Sat 14/11 am: 2.32 km - 4:55 average pace
I followed up with a 26 km cycle after lunch on Saturday.
Run New Zealand - Whangarei
It was my turn to race on Sunday morning and I had predicted 21 minutes for the 5km segment. I covered my watch with a buff and ran blind. It was very hard to judge what I was doing. At one stage I thought I may have been running faster but then when I saw where Mal was I was thinking that it was a much slower run. As I finished I stopped the watch and the 5th km was a 4:12 - right on target. When I checked I found that I was only seven seconds off (under) my predicted time. It was a fun event.Sun 15/11 am: 4.31 km - 5:05 average pace - 4:47 x2 fastest km
Sun 15/11 am: 5.00 km - 20:53 - 4:22, 4:12, 4:09, 4:11, 3:12 - 4:13 average pace
Monday 16th November to Sunday 22nd November
The left knee was dodgy as usual at the start of my Monday morning run so the pace was right down. It feels much better once warmed up.
Mon 16/11 am: 6.36 km - 5:11 average pace - 4:57 fastest km - Max HR 148 (Ave 137)
Mon 16/11 pm: 5.20 km - 5:28 average pace - 5:13 fastest km - Max HR 156 (Ave 135)
.... 5x 50m intervals (ave pace): 3:43, 3:35, 3:36, 3:49, 3:44
.... 5x 100m inytervals (ave pace): 3:48, 3:27, 3:39, 3:37, 3:21
I set the alarm a bit earlier on Tuesday to fit in some longer runs this week. On Tuesday I started with a 10 km loop. It was slow early with the dodgy left knee but I was running well at the end.
Tue 17/11 am: 10.11 km - 5:00 average pace - 4:42 fastest km - Max HR 156 (Ave 141)
Wed 18/11 am: 11.41 km - 5:01 average pace - 4:46 fastest km - Max HR 154 (Ave 141)
Thu 19/11 am: 7.36 km - 4:56 average pace - 4:49 fastest km - Max HR 155 (Ave 144)
Fri 20/11 am: 7.48 km - 5:07 average pace - 4:50 fastest km - Max HR 150 (Ave 138)
Unfortunately the running crew were doing their Saturday (not) parkrun in Inverloch on Saturday so I had to give it a miss. Instead I ran a 10 km course from home, my third 10 km run for the week. I cooled down with a 14 km cycle and that evening cycled another 20 km as I watched Shirley run the After Glo marathon around town. I cycled 70 km for the week.
Sat 21/11 am: 10.33 km - 4:51 average pace - 4:35 fastest km - Max HR 160 (Ave 145)
On Sunday I ran a warm up and then attempted a faster 5 km run. It was warm and I really struggled. I have noticed that my stride length in recent "faster" runs has been down. Today it was 1.48 metres. When I have run well in the past it has been between 1.6 and 1.75 metres.
Sun am: 2.07 km - 5:12 average pace - Max HR 146 (Ave 134)
Sun am: 5.01 km - 21:53 - 4:09, 4:21, 4:31, 4:22, 4:23 - Max HR 166 (Ave 154)
Run New Zealand - Wellsford
Monday November 23rd to Sunday November 29th
As I woke on Monday morning the rain was pelting down so I gave my run a miss and decided it might be a good time to take a two day break and let my legs recover. I cycled on Monday and Tuesday evenings and on Tuesday morning - covering around 55 km.
On Wednesday morning my left knee felt much stronger as I started my run. It still took a while to warm up the knee and I was aware of it through the run but it does feel to be much better. I covered 10 km on my return from the break.
Wed 25/11 am: 10.01 km - 4:54 average pace - 4:48 fastest km - Max HR 158 (Ave 136)
Thu 26/11 am: 7.69 km - 4:55 average pace - 4:41 fastest km - Max HR 166 (Ave 142)
.... 3x 380 m interva (time / ave pace)l: 1:33 / 4:04, 1:23 / 3:38, 1:29 / 3:54
Friday I stayed in bed longer as I wasn't going to be at work. I had a nice run in the sunshine over to South Dudley and back. My weight is very low at the moment, down in the low 83s.
Fri 27/11 am: 8.50 km - 4:55 average pace - 4:42 fastest km - Max HR 155 (Ave 145)
On Saturday morning I drove over to Koonwarra to run with the crew. I ran a longer warmup solo before the others arrived and then ran a second warm up with the crew, before running a reasonably hard 5 km.
Sat 28/11 am: 4.11 km - 5:15 average pace - 5:00 fastest km - Max HR 151 (Ave 141)
Sat 28/11 am: 2.65 km - 5:36 average pace
Sat 28/11 am: 5.01 km - 22:30 - 4:32, 4:26, 4:26, 4:26, 4:37 - Max HR 163 (Ave 151)
Sun 29/11 am: 11.20 km - 5:00 average pace - 4:46 fastest km - Max HR 149 (Ave 137)
Monday November 30th to Sunday December 6th
I started the week with a run out to 63 Oates road and then around Heslops and Fuller. My left knee is now feeling much stronger and pace was good early on but I wasn't really able to accelerate it. My legs are pretty heavy at the moment - a combination of blood thinners and cholesterole tablets are not really helping.
I weighed in at a LOW of 81.8 kg on Monday morning. I am not going to run with the heart rate monitor for a week or two to give the skin on my chest a chance to clear up.
Mon 30/11 am: 7.76 km - 5:03 average pace - 4:48 fastest km
Tue 1/12 am: 10.52 km - 4:49 average pace - 4:28 fastest km
I ran with Tom on Wednesday morning and he had my pace up from the start. It ended up being one of my longer runs in recent times too. I followed up with a bit of time on the bike.
Wed 2/12 am: 13.04 km - 4:47 average pace - 4:36 fastest km
Thur 3/12 am: 6.50 km - 5:02 average pace - 4:53 fastest km
Fri 4/12 am: 6.37 km - 4:58 average pace - 4:34 fastest km
Our second Road Runners race was on Saturday. I didn't get in a very good warm up buy the kilometre I did run felt surprisingly good. I woke feeling sore and was not expecting much. Recent form hadn't filled me with confidence either. I predicted 21 minutes again and was not confident of getting there. I set off running with Benn Wragg who ran ahead. Just on 2 km in I ran past him and was running as well as I have in recent times. I was catching the other runners far too early, knowing that I was running too fast but there was no way I was going to hold back. It was just great to be running fast again. My Strava 5 km was just on 20 minutes but my segment 5 km was 19:47.
Sat 5/12 am: 1.13 km - 4:22 average pace
Sat 5/12 am: 5.00 km - 19:47 - 3:51, 4:04, 4:02, 4:00, 4:02
After lunch on Saturday I rode my bike to Kilcunda and back - 31 km
I was back out at Newhaven on Sunday for the second half of the "Predict your time" race. The weather turned overnight and the mild, light air conditions of Saturday had turned to windy, cold, damp air conditions. I decided to run again with my Saturday time standing as that is what I nominated. I ran an extended warm up and then set off with the back marker and ran through the field to get photos at the end. As I started I had the thought "what if I run my time today?" and then i pretty much did run it, finishing in 21:03 - just 3 seconds over. The winner was 4 seconds, then 10 and 11 for third place. After the races I drove back to Wonthaggi to catch the end of Jo's Melbourne half marathon. I parked at the finish and ran back along the course to meet the group and ran back with them (technically my 8th straight year at the Melbourne marathon finish line).
Sun 6/12 am: 5.84 km - 5:01 average pace - 4:52 fastest km
Sun 6/12 am: 5.00 km - 21:03 - 4:24, 4:12, 4:16, 4:16, 4:13
Sun 6/12 am: 3.71 km - 6:15 average pace - 5:34 fastest km
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