Monday, 21 September 2020

65 - chasing the sub 19 again and hoping for a real race

 .... follows: 64 - A return to lockdown running

Sunday September 20th
Following up from the 19:13 five kilometre run on Saturday I ran a 3 km warm up and then a five kilometre effort for the Running heroes challenge. It was a great follow-up to the Saturday run with two k's in the low 4:20s, then out to 4:30 for the third BUT then the last two at around 4:15 pace.  It was great to come back so well at the end.

Sun 20/9 am:  3.52 km - 5:01 average pace - 4:46 fastest km - Max HR 146 (Ave 135)
Sun 20/9 am:  5.01 km - 4:21 average pace - 4:15 fastest km - Max HR 151 (Ave 143)
Sun 20/9 am:  1.20 km - 5:13 average pace

Monday September 21st to Sunday September 27th
I started the new week with an "easy-paced" run and was pleasantly surprised to see my speed at quite good levels without a great deal of effort.

Mon 21/9 am:  9.41 km - 4:49 average pace - 4:34 (x2) fastest km - Max HR 154 (Ave 138)
Tue 22/9 am:  10.15 km - 4:49 average pace - 4:13 fastest km - Max HR 157 (Ave 142)
Wed 23/9 am:  8.23 km - 4:57 average pace - 4:42 fastest km - Max HR 152 (Ave 139)

With Michele staying this week my running is about the only routine that I am keeping.  I am running nicely at the moment, able to get around 4:40 pace with just natural, easy effort.

Run New Zealand - AHIPARA

I went for a longer run on Thursday afternoon, not a real lot of pace, just nice and solid but building.  After cooling down I had a sore spot in the right calf and another on the inside of the left knee.

Thu 24/9 am:  12.47 km - 4:51 average pace - 4:35 fastest km - Max HR 152 (Ave 137)
Fri 25/9 am:  6.42 km - 5:19 average pace - 5:13 fastest km - Max HR 139 (Ave 128)

On Friday the start was very slow.  There was a bit of a limp early on the left knee.  It did warm up though, as did the calf.  They cooled down sore again but I did some walking on them for a bit of a stretch.

Saturday was a slow start again while the left knee warmed up but I was running well at the end.  The strains are only slight and are healing well.  I am a bit puzzled as to how they happened.

Sat 26/9 am:  7.31 km - 4:59 average pace - 4:43 fastest km - Max HR 147 (Ave 137)
Sun 27/9 am:  3.34 km - 5:05 average pace - 4:52 fastest km - Max HR 141 (Ave 122)
Sun 27/9 am:  5.01 km - 4:09 average pace - 3:59 fastest km - Max HR 167 (Ave 155)

Monday September 28th to Sunday October 4th
I started the week at Michele's place in Canterbury, with a run into Kew and back along the Anniversary Trail.  My day started with a call from the police about a situation that is causing me some issues so, when I ran, the adrenealine was flowing.  I found myself running at sub 4:40 pace for much of the run.  There was no push in the run, except fro a few hundred metres in the ninth kilometre when i wanted to pass a young bloke who had previously overtaken me.  It was just natural pace with the adrenaline.

Mon 28/9 am:  10.39 km - 4:41 average pace - 4:14 fastest km - Max HR 162 (Ave 147)
Tue 29/9 am:  8.04 km - 5:05 average pace - 4:55 fastest km

After a tough morning dealing with issues back in Wonthaggi on Tuesday I cycled out to the beach for some "meditation" time (I don't have a car and will collect my replacement later this week).  It was a 28 km round cycle.  On Wednesday morning I had a long warm up and then ran intervals at the netball courts.  My left knee and right calf have recovered but I have a stiffness / soreness around the right hip, most likely related to the ongoing right hamstring issue.  I was happy with the final sprint where I pulled out all stops.

Wed 30/9 am:  9.42 km - 5:04 average pace - 4:46 fastest km
.... 4x 120 intervals (ave pace) - set 1:  3:30, 3:30, 3:18, 3:12
.... 4x 120 intervals (ave pace) - set 2:  3:40, 3:22, 3:33, 3:26, 3:23 (did an extra!)
.... 4x 120 intervals (ave pace) - set 3:  3:20, 3:19, 3:20, 3:00

On Thursday my run was labored with a soreness in the right hip.  I was running better toward the end.

Thu 1/10 am:  8.45 km - 5:02 average pace - 4:49 fastest km
Fri 2/10 am:  6.42 km - 4:49 average pace - 4:42 fastest km - Max HR 156 (Ave 140)

Saturday morning was a beauty, past 20 degrees early, sunny and windy.  Michele and I headed out to inverloch where we parked at the boat ramp and I ran while Michele walked.  I ran to the end of the path, looped around some streets and then returned.  Then I did another section into the camp ground and back.  I ran pretty well.

Sat 3/10 am:  8.30 km - 4:45 average pace - 4:26 fastest km - Max HR 157 (Ave 145)
Sun 4/10 am:  2.60 km - 4:53 average pace - 4:52 fastest km - Max HR 148 (Ave 136)
Sun 4/10 am:  5.01 km - 4:14 average pace - 4:10 fastest km - Max HR 167 (Ave 157)

Sunday was my 54th birthday and I was supposed to be running something at the Melbourne marathon running festival, running into the MCG.  The virus has put paid to that so I had to do with a second-rate run at Inverloch.

Monday October 5th to Sunday October 11th
The weather changed on Monday morning with a big rain band coming across.  I got my run in before the rain started.  There wasn't much go in the run though.  I am starting to think about double-up running again with some afternoon runs in the mix.

Mon 5/10 am:  6.91 km - 5:08 average pace - 5:02 fastest km - Max HR 143 (Ave 133)
Tue 6/10 am:  10.73 km - 4:57 average pace - 4:42 fastest km

Run New Zealand - CAPE REINGA

My body is a bit sore at the moment - tight in the right knee / hip region (an issue that has been ongoing for 30 plus years now!) and there is a pulled muscle in the shoulder blade.  My Wednesday run started slowly but I did get up to decent pace as I warmed up.  I think a visit to the chiropractor is warrented though.

Wed 7/10 am:  8.34 km - 4:57 average pace - 4:43 fastest km

Thursday was a rest day and I went to see my chiropractor about my hip soreness in the afternoon.  I have been going to Neil since 1987 (33 years) and he never fails to fix my body.  This time he identified a weakness in the left knee (it was the right hip I went to see about) that was being caused by a problem near my shoulder blades.  He manipulated it and I could immediately feel that the knee was stronger.  He also manipulated my right hip and fixed that problem too.

Fri 9/10 am:  9.77 km - 4:54 average pace - 4:37 fastest km
Sat 10/10 am:  7.92 km 4:44 average pace - 4:15 fastest km - Max HR 157 (Ave 146)

On Sunday I ran a warm up out to the Anniversary Trail and then ran the 5km as a time trial (of sorts) on the trail.  The undulations tested my fitness which is not high at the moment.  My body is still adjusting to Thursdays manipulations and feels weak in parts, particularly the left knee.

Sun 11/10 am:  2.01 km 5:09 average pace - 4:55 fastest km - Max HR 157 (Ave 144)
Sun 11/10 am:  5.01 km - 4:18 average pace - 4:12 fastest km - Max HR 163 (Ave 154)

Monday October 12th to Sunday October 18th
I never had much to give first thing on Monday.  The left knee was pretty weak at the start of the run.  It did improve through the run.  After work on Monday I went out to Inverloch to start off the very first Road Runners Monday session.  I marked our some short intervals and did a little bit of running.

Mon 12/10 am:  7.50 km - 5:07 average pace - 4:56 fastest km - Max HR 145 (Ave 128)
Mon 12/10 pm:  5.90 km - 5:03 average pace - 4:51 fastest km - Max HR 159 (Ave 138)
.... 5x 25m intervals / 5x 50m intervals / 5x 75m intervals

We had around 10 runners turn up during the first WRR Monday session.  It was good to have a small group of runners together and a bit of chat going.

I hadn't run the 2x Monday and Tuesday morning set of three for a long while and the body was stiff when I started the Tuesday morning run.  It soon loosened and I ran a nice progression with some good speed near the end.

Tue 13/10 am:  7.40 km - 4:58 average pace - 4:24 fastest km - Max HR 154 (Ave 133)
Wed 14/10 am:  10.10 km - 4:55 average pace - 4:37 fastest km - Max HR 155 (Ave 134)
Thu 15/10 am:  5.65 km - 4:41 average pace - 4:14 fastest km - Max HR 161

Run New Zealand - PUKENUI

Runs on Thursday and Friday were shorter and I found I was able to run at good pace without pushing too hard.  I had a massage on Thursday after work to try and settle some of the muscles down.  The leg problems are improving.

Fri 16/10 am:  6.25 km - 4:51 average pace - 4:36 fastest km - Max HR 154
Sat 17/10 am: 12.52 km - 4:43 average pace - 4:28 fastest km - Max HR 157 (Ave 144)

I ran the Running heroes 5 km race on Sunday - late morning.  It was hard work into the wind for the first half but I had some nice speed on the run back finishing with some sub 4 pace to record a 20:33.

Sun 18/10 am:  2.90 km - 4:47 average pace
Sun 18/10 am:  5.01 km - 4:06 average pace - 4:15, 4:09, 4:10, 4:02, 3:55 - 20:33

Monday October 19th to Sunday October 25th
I started the day on Monday with a slow, low heart rate run and then ended it with some interval work out at Inverloch at a Road Runners session.

Mon 19/10 am: 6.46 km - 5:12 average pace - 5:00 fastest km - Max HR 147 (Ave 133)
Mon 19/10 am:  6.78 km - 5:09 average pace - 4:48 fastest km - Max HR 157 (Ave 138)
.... 4x 25m intervals (ave pace): 2:59, ???, 3:09, ???
.... 4x 50m intervals (ave pace): 3:07, 2:56, 3:33, 3:27
.... 4x 75m intervals (ave pace): 3:27, 3:15, 3:22, 2:49
.... 4x 100m intervals (ave pace): 3:18, 3:15, 3:19, 3:15
Tue 20/10 am:  7.69 km - 4:58 average pace - 4:46 fastest km - Max HR 148 (Ave 130)

On Wednesday morning I had a run teed up with Tom McNish.  He was late meeting me at the Rec Reserve so I ran a few laps and had covered 3 km before he got there.  We then ran 10 km, so it ended up as my longets run for quite some time.  The pace was pretty good too, especially considering that the first (warm up) kilometre was pretty slow.

Wed 21/10 am:  13.25 km - 4:42 average pace - 4:27 fastest km - Max HR 158 (Ave 141)
Thu 22/10 am:  6.20 km - 4:53 average pace - 4:21 fastest km - Max HR 158 (Ave 136)

On Thursday morning I weighed in at 83.7 kg

Friday was a public holiday for the AFL grand final weekend.  I ran a short warm up and then had a go at a 10 km run.  My pace was good from the start and, although I slowed a touch in the second half, I was able to maintain sub 4:30 pace the whole way.  My first 5 km was a 21:56 and I ran the 10 km in 44:23.

Fri 23/10 am:  1.21 km - 4:56 average pace - Max HR 145 (Ave 132)
Fri 23/10 am:  10.13 km - 4:26 average pace - 4:21 fastest km - Max HR 159 (Ave 150)

I have run 72 km in the past 7 days, generally with good pace.  I have run on the past 15 days, covering 139.7 km.  There has been an amping up of the running and I have started doing my core exercise program in the mornings as well.  There are plans to set up my mini-gym out back and start on an upper body program.

Saturday was a day off running.  Michele and I drove into the city and got to see the deserted streets.  I walked quite a bit and then we also walked at the Botanic Gardens.  On Sunday we drove to Karkarook park where I attempted to run the parkrun course, running my fastest sole run in a LONG while.

Sun 25/10 am:  2.57 km - 5:12 average pace - 5:01 fastest km- Max HR 147 (Ave 135)
Sun 25/10 am: 5.02 km - 4:00 average pace - 3:50 fastest km - Max HR 171 (Ave 155)
Sun 25/10 am: 0.75 km - 4:53 average pace

Run New Zealand - Taupo Bay
I finished the week with an 18 km cycle, my first ride in almost a month.

Monday October 26th to Sunday November 1st
My left knee was really weak on Monday morning.  It even buckled as I got out of bed.  I did my core exercises and then set off very slowly on a short 6 km course.  As I ran the knee felt stronger and I finished running ok.  After work I ran some intervals with core exercises in between.  The short intervals were hard today, up a rise and into a gale.

Mon 26/10 am:  6.13 km - 5:06 average pace - 4:49 fastest km - Max HR 147 (Ave 135)
Mon 26/10 pm:  5.06 km - 5:14 average pace - 4:58 fastest km
.... 4x 25m intervals / 4x 50m intervals: 3:16, 3:20, 3:49, 3:47 / 3:24, 3:21, 4:18, 3:22
.... 4x 75m intervals / 4x 100m intervals:  3:32, 3:27, 3:23, 4:02 / 3:37, 3:45, 3:44, 3:45

On Tuesday morning it was the thrid run in a set of three - Mon am, Mon pm, Tue am - for the third week in a row.  I woke up very stiff and the pace was excruciatingly slow for the first kilometre but then the body started to loosen up.

Tue 27/10 am:  7.19 km - 5:02 average pace - 4:40 fastest km - Max HR 151 (Ave 133)
Wed 28/10 am:  7.45 km - 4:57 average pace - 4:46 fastest km - Max HR 155 (Ave 139)
Thu 29/10 am:  7.56 km - 4:58 average pace - 4:32 fastest km

I had Friday as a day off from running but went for an 18km cycle before work as a replacement.  On Saturday I drove to Mirboo North for a run with some of the Road Runners on the parkrun course there.  I cruised down the hill and picked it up on the return but, with only Bill in front of me, I didn't get any serious pace going.

Sat 31/10 am:  2.38 km - 5:43 average pace
Sat 31/10 am:  5.00 km - 4:06 average pace - 4:03 fastest km - GRRT parkrun course 20:30
Sat 31/10 am:  1.40 km - 5:42 average pace
Sun 1/11 am: 10.06 km - 4:45 average pace - 4:18 fastest km - Max HR 160 (Ave 145)

Monday November 2nd to Sunday November 8th
My body felt good when I got up and did my core work but when it was time to start running the left knee was really weak.  It had been ok on the weekend, and the weekend running wasn't exceptionally hard, but once again I start the week with a weak knee.

Mon 2/11 am:  8.21 km - 4:58 average pace - 4:44 fastest km - Max HR 147 (Ave 136)
Tue 3/11 am:  7.75 km - 4:50 average pace - 4:36 fastest km - Max HR 160 (Ave 142)
Wed 4/11 am:  9.20 km - 4:55 average pace - 4:43 fastest km

Run New Zealand - Paihia
On Thursday morning I included 400 metre intervals into my town run.  It was a 1600 light run and then a 400m interval.  I got to run four of them.  After work I went for a cycle out to the Mouth of the Powlett and back.

Thu 5/11 am:  8.70 km - 4:50 average pace - 4:21 fastest km - Max HR 159 (Ave 139)
.... 400m intervals (ave pace / secs):  3:55 / 94, 4:03 / 97, 4:10 / 100, 3:50 / 92

On Friday morning I ran with a step-up in speed at the end of each kilometre.  I was pretty happy with the speeds that I was able to do, especially following up on Thursday.

Fri 6/11 am:  7.21 km - 4:42 average pace - 4:06 fastest km - Max HR 161 (Ave 142)
.... km step-ups:  5:21, 4:50, 4:14 / 4:54, 4:36, 4:06 / 4:51 (4:22)

Saturday morning was an eastern suburbs run on the Anniversary Trail.  The traffic has dropped off there a lot now that people have more freedom as to when they can get around.  Today was the eighth day straight of NO Covid cases in Victoria.  Restrictions are predicted to ease significantly tomorrow.

Sat 7/11 am:  11.85 km - 4:57 average pace - 4:41 fastest km
Sun 8/11 am:  6.83 km - 5:14 average pace - 4:59 fastest km

I ended the weekend with an 18 km cycle out the Harmers Haven and back, after getting home from my weekend in Melbourne.

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