... follows: 70 - Back in competition - VCCL & Aths Vic XCR
XCR #2 at Lardner park was tough! I am unfit and have no speed. The lack of speed comes from my inability to raise my knees. It has also lead to a significantly shorter stride length. I am struggling a bit with my health, batting Membraneous Nephropathy - a condition where proteins leak from my kidneys and this causes significant swelling in my lower legs. I am also on medication for high cholesterol that I think is also hindering me.
I know where I have to improve. The question is - am I up to it?
Monday May 24th to Sunday May 30th
Serious training started on Monday morning. Right from the start I was running quite well. I did come out of the weekend with a very slight sore spot on the right hip and tenderness in the quads. I ran to Bilson street and pushed up the hill there. I then ran to the Rec reserve and combined running with step ups. In sets of 25 I stepped up onto the seats in the stand there. In between the 2nd & 3rd then 3rd and 4th I ran a fastish lap of the oval on the outside of the fence (road). Then I headed home and ran at sub 4 minute pace on my Ivor street segment.
Mon 24/5 am: 8.20 km - 4:54 average pace - 4:28 fastest km - Ave stride 1.36 m
Tue 25/5 am: 10.13 km - 5:02 average pace - 4:38 fastest km - Ave stride 1.33 m
I had a couple of rest days on Wednesday and Thursday but it didn't do much for my body soreness. My right hip is sore as is my left inside upper leg. On Thursday Victoria went into a 7-day lockdown due to a Covid 19 outbreak. We have a seven day return to remote learning. I have decided to try and use it to toughen up my body with repeat efforts. I will also do a run with step ups most days. On my Friday morning run I did three sets of 20 step ups with an outside lap of the oval between each set. I also rode 16 km before my second run.
Fri 28/5 am: 6.01 km - 4:58 average pace - 4:45 fastest km - 60 st up - Ave stride 1.32 m
Fri 28/5 pm: 5.39 km - 5:02 average pace - 4:56 fastest km - Ave stride 1.30 m
Run New Zealand - New Plymouth
Surprisingly I was feeling good on Saturday morning and started my 10km run with a 5:20 then got quicker. I ran the first 5 in 24:56 and then the second 5 in 23:49. I rested then followed up with an 18 km bike ride, then rested again and went for a short run with some stepu ups at the Rec Reserve.
Sat 29/5 am: 10.01 km - 4:53 average pace - 4:44 fastest km - Ave Stride 1.36 m
Sat 29/5 pm: 3.55 km - 4:54 average pace - 4:42 fastest km - 60 st.up - Ave stride 1.32 m
Sun 30/5 am: 10.59 km - 4:59 average pace - 4:47 fastest km - Ave stride 1.34 km
Sun 30/5 pm: 3.00 km - 5:41 average pace - 5:24 fastest km - 60 st.up - Ave stride 1.20 m
Over the first three days of lockdown FOUR I have run 38.6 km and cycled 53.9 km. My body is doing well. The step ups seem to be helping. My legs were a little tired this afternoon and my right calf is sore when stretched real tight but generally it is doing well. The swelling in the lower legs seems to be don as well. I did run an easy paced run on Sunday afternoon but that was more just being cautious. My fitness appears to be on the rise too.
Monday May 31st to Sunday June 6th
It was 2 degrees with frost everywhere when I set off for my run on Monday morning. It was a slow run but I feel that was more because I just couldn't get going in the extremely cold air.
Mon 31/5 am: 7.01 km - 5:06 average pace - 4:50 fastest km - Ave stride 1.30 m
Mon 31/5 pm: 3.48 km - 4:53 average pace - 4:41 fastest km - Ave stride 1.35 m
I was out for my third 10 km in four days on Tuesday morning and running quite well right from the start. I finished with a 4:40 in the tenth. On Friday morning I weighed in at 87.4 kg. This morning my weight was 85.0 kg (regular time after getting up) and the 84.4 kg after the run. I have been maintaining the cycling too with rides in each of the past four days.
Tue 1/6 am: 10.07 km - 4:57 average pace - 4:40 fastest km - Ave stride 1.36 m
Wed 2/6 am: 10.02 km - 4:52 average pace - 4:07 fastest km - Ave stride 1.37 m
.... 3x km intervals (ave pace): 4:17, 4:07, 4:20
Wednesday was day six of Lockdown #4 and I followed up the morning interval run with a lunch run and step ups at the Rec Reserve. I may have bitten off too much with the morning interval run, taking on kilometre intervals, as I was stuffed at the end. I upped the step ups to 80 in four sets with an outside lap of the oval between each. Late in the afternoon I went on my sixth cycle in as many days, covering 20 km - my longest distance.
Wed 2/6 pm: 4.08 km - 5:01 average pace - 4:46 fastest km - Ave stride 1.34 m
Thu 3/6 am: 9.11 km - 4:49 average pace - 4:33 fastest km - Ave stride 1.40 m
Thu 3/6 am: 4.12 km - 4:58 average pace - 4:37 fastest km - Ave stride 1.34 km
The past seven days we have been in Covid 19 lockdown and I have been teaching from home. I was determined to work on my fitness during the break - and make the most of the 2 hours exercise per day. Every day bar Tuesday I ran morning and afternoon (lunchtime) and then cycled at the end of the day. I ran 13 times and covered 86.5 km and cycled 7 times to cover 128.6 km. I also combined running with step ups at the Rec Reserve on most days and managed to do 400 step ups.
I am fitter and stronger. I have lost in excess of 2 kg (and have been eating a lot to deal with my raging hunger). I have run with some improved speed and that is my next area of focus. I will be combining sprint sessions with step up workouts on some days.
After the seven BIG days I had a total rest day on Friday and even went for a massage after work. My body feels good.
On Saturday morning there was again no parkrun due to the Covid shutdown but a group of us were able to meet up at Mirboo North for a run on the GRRT parkrun course. It was my first real test of where I have been able to get to and I felt for the first half that I was running well and had more levels to move up to. It was a push up the hill and I tired near the end but it was a positive split and I kept the pace progression going. I was still able to accelerate a few times in the last two km which is something I haven't done in recent times.
Sat 5/6 am: 1.25 km - 6:06 average pace - seemed to be running faster than this!
Sat 5/6 am: 5.01 km - 4:29 average pace - 4:45, 4:35, 4:30, 4:22, 4:16 - Ave stride 1.43 m
Sat 5/6 am: 3.53 km - 5:12 average pace - 5:05 fastest km - Ave stride 1.27 m
After a Sunday lie in to listen to music I headed out to inverloch for a longer run. I headed out to the Bluff first and ten all the way along the coast road to the RACV resort. It was slow paced early but I did have a strong finish. It was my longest run, and first hour plus (67 mins) run, since April 5th. The 13 km plus run took me to a 71 km week.
Sun 6/6 am: 13.50 km - 4:59 average pace - 4:38 fastest km - Ave stride 1.35 m
Run New Zealand - Patea
Monday June 7th to Sunday June 13th
The week started with a very dark and windy run around town. I started well with a 5:19 but, even though I felt I was running well, I didn't increase my speed until the fourth kilometre.
Mon 7/6 am: 6.45 km - 5:05 average pace - 4:52 fastest km - Ave stride 1.31 m
Wed 9/6 am: 7.19 km - 5:00 average pace - 4:27 fastest km - Ave stride 1.34 m
On Wednesday night armageddon hit - this winds picked up to gale force and the rain came in a deluge. Large parts of south east Victoria lost electricity until some time on Friday and some much longer. I ran in the wind - just to the Rec and back - on Thursday morning and then in the eerie calm on Thursday evening as the sun was setting and the town was going into TOTAL darkness. On Friday morning I ran in the eerie fog with half the town switched back on and the other half still in the dark.
Thu 10/6 am: 4.37 km - 5:17 average pace - 4:41 fastest km - Ave stride 1.31 m & 60 st ups
Thu 10/6 pm: 7.82 km - 5:10 average pace - 4:55 fastest km - Ave stride 1.31 m
Fri 11/6 am: 7.70 km - 5:13 average pace - 4:52 fastest km - Ave stride 1.27 m
.... 5x McBride hill (ave pace): 4:12, 4:40, 4:31, 4:40, 4:40
The rain came back on Friday night but had passed by Saturday morning, replaced with coastal drizzle. The covid restrictions meant another week without parkrun so the (not) parkrun crew met at Symonds lane near Leongatha.
Sat 12/6 am: 1.58 km - 5:40 average pace
Sat 12/6 am: 5.04 km - 4:41 average pace - 4:36 fastest km - Ave stride 1.37 m - 23:26
Sat 12/6 am: 3.35 km - 5:01 average pace - 4:51 fastest km - Ave stride 1.31 m
On Sunday I ran at Inverloch and felt strong. It was a longer run, right on an hour, and I finished with some really good speed in the last kilometre when I pushed it.
Sun 13/6 am: 12.36 km - 4:51 average pace - 4:16 fastest km - Ave stride 1.38 m
Monday June14th to Sunday June 20th
With a day off for the Queens Birthday holiday I headed back to Inverloch for another coastal run. It was well worth the drive as the inlet was an exceptional scene. I had no expectations after such a strong finish on Sunday and was going to be happy to allow my body to dictate the pace. I was surprised that I was able to run so well - my 10 km time was seven seconds quicker than on Sunday - and finish so strongly.
Mon 14/6 am: 11.64 km - 4:52 average pace - 4:34 fastest km - Ave stride 1.37 m
Tue 15/6 am: 5.63 km - 5:08 average pace - 4:45 fastest km - Ave stride 1.31 m
On Wednesday morning I got out quite early - it was very dark - but didn't check the radar so got hit by some rain. I ran 200 m intervals with an 800 m rest. I will keep the intervals at 200 for the time being but gradually shorten the rest.
Wed 16/6 am: 6.97 km - 5:01 average pace - 4:39 fastest km - Ave stride 1.32 m
.... 200m intervals (ave pace): 4:25, 4:20, 3:50, 3:40, 3:50, 3:45
After work on Wednesday I followed up with a run to the Rec Reserve to do a step up session. I got in three sets of 20.
Wed 16/6 pm: 3.53 km - 5:12 average pace - 4:51 fasest km - Ave stride 1.28 m & 60 st up
I had a rest from running on Thursday but did get in a 19 km cycle after work. On Friday morning I ran into town, up the McBride Ave hill three times and then back via the Rec Reserve where I did sets of sit ups, totalling 60.
Fri 18/6 am: 7.23 km - 5:07 average pace - 4:57 fastest km - Ave stride 1.31 m & 60 st up
Saturday and again no parkrun! There are crowds at local footy but we are stopped from gathering at parkrun. It is more than annoying! So the not parkrun crew met at Leongatha to try out the new rail trail. We ran as a group with not a lot of pace so at the end I drove to Korumburra and ran my quick nottie there! I was pretty happy with the pace up hill on the way back - a negative split!
Sat 19/6 am: 1.62 km - 5:44 average pace
Sat 19/6 am: 5.01 km - 5:11 average pace - 5:05 fastest km - Ave stride 1.29 m
Sat 19/6 am: 1.13 km - 5:34 average pace
Sat 19/6 am: 5.01 km - 22:35 - 4:35, 4:37, 4:23, 4:33, 4:23 - Ave stride 1.42 m
I felt good after the runs on Saturday and even managed a 23 km cycle in on Saturday afternoon. I decided that, instead of a longer run on Sunday, I'd push for a 5 km time trial. I ran on the Road Runners handicap course, hoping to get down near 4:12 average pace (under 21 minutes). My first kilometre was a 4:05 and I was able to average that pace and run a negative split. It was a hard effort but I was thrilled that I could maintain the pace. My fitness is really improving! It was my fastest time this year and, with a stride length of 1.55m, my stride was the best since I ran a 19:47 on December 5th late last year.
Sun 20/6 am: 2.51 km - 4:46 average pace - 4:49 fastest km - Ave stride 1.41 m
Sun 20/6 am: 5 km time trial: 20:27 - 4:05, 4:10, 4:03, 4:05, 4:03 - Ave stride 1.55 m
Sun 20/6 am: 5.56 km - 4:55 average pace - 4:50 fastest km - Ave stride 1.36 m
Run New Zealand - Palmerston North
Monday June 21st to Sunday June 27th
The new week started with a 10 km run for the Winter Solstice. I was a little stiff - but not too bad - after the running on the weekend so took it easy with a stronger finish.
Mon 21/6 am: 10.06 km - 5:07 average pace - 4:45 fastest km - Ave Stride 1.32 m
Tuesday was another day with the temperature dropping down to near zero and I just couldn't face another cold run so I stayed in bed. Wednesday morning was much better so I was out running 200 metre intervals.
Wed 23/6 am: 7.32 km - 5:04 average pace - 4:48 fastest km - Ave stride 1.33 m
.... 200m intervals (ave pace): 3:55, 3:55, 4:10, 3:50, 3:55, 3:40, 3:45
Thu 24/6 am: 7.11 km - 5:03 average pace - 4:40 fastest km - Ave stride 1.31 m
.... 200m intervals (ave pace): 4:30, 3:55, 4:05, 4:10, 3:25, 4:05, 3:45
Friday - last day of the school term and I was very tired! - and I stayed in bed, choosing to not run. Weather was miserable after work so I pulled the pin on a short run then too.
I was back at Inverloch parkrun on Saturday morning. Apart from Easter I have been away for far too long. Emma, Brett and Jack were there and I got to look after Jack while Em ran in the last 2 km. I started at the front and led the pack up the hill the first time. It was great to be back out there. Four runners passed me and I struggled with my fitness level - the chest was tight - but I did start with a 4 minute kilometre. The pace dropped back in the second and third then I picked it up again towards the end.
Sat 26/6 am: 3.29 km - 4:55 average pace - 4:38 fastest km - Ave stride 1.38 m
Sat 26/6 am: Inverloch parkrun 5th 21:12 - 4:01, 4:21, 4:20, 4:12, 4:16 - Ave stride 1.50 m
Sun 27/6 am: 7.05 km - 5:04 average pace - 4:50 fastest km - Ave stride 1.40 m
Monday June 28th to Sunday July 4th
Well what does the week hold in store? I am on school holidays and have a trip to Cairns booked but the Covid 19 virus is popping up all around the country and there are huge doubts as to where I will be able to travel. It's a wait and see game at the moment.
I started the week with a long run at Inverloch. I intended a long run on Sunday but ran into an old work colleague and ended up chatting to him for half an hour, so shortened the run. I ran well and managed my fastest kilometre in the fourteenth.
Mon 28/6 am: 14.03 km - 4:52 average pace - 4:24 fastest km - Ave stride 1.37 m
Mon 28/6 pm: 3.43 km - 5:09 average pace - 4:57 fastest km - Ave stride 1.31 m
Tue 29/6 am: 7.04 km - 5:13 average pace - 4:52 fastest km - Ave stride 1.28 m
.... 200 m intervals (ave pace): 4:25, 4:25, 4:10, 4:30, 4:15, 4:10
Wed 30/6 am: 8.18 km - 4:48 average pace - 4:21 fastest km - Ave stride 1.37 m
I drove out to Inverloch on a sunny winters morning on Thursday, parked at the boat ramp and ran around to the surf beach with a bit of a run (and interval number 3) on the sand. It was a good quality run with some good speed. I followed up on Thursday evening with a Headlampers run with the group.
Thu 1/7 am: 7.24 km - 4:49 average pace - 4:32 fastest km - Ave stride 1.38 m
.... 6x 200m intervals (ave pace): 4:00, 3:50, 3:40, 3:45, 3:30, 3:40
Thu 1/7 pm - Headlampers - 6.51 km - 6:06 average pace - 5:59 fastest km
Friday was a day off. I had thought about a cycle but the rain (early) and wind (later) prevented me getting out on the bike.
On Saturday I was reasonably fresh at parkrun but the air was just too cold and heavy. I was happy with the consistency of pace, and my ability to up the speed in the last kilometre. It was another negative split.
Sat 3/7 am: 3.64 km - 5:14 average pace - 5:04 fastest km - Ave stride 1.29 m
Sat 3/7 am: Inv parkrun 7th 21:13 - 4:18, 4:15, 4:19, 4:16, 4:10 - Ave stride 1.49 m
Sat 3/7 am: 0.89 km - 6:58 average pace - run with Em
On Sunday I was up at 2:30 am to drive to Tullamarine, then on a plane to Queensland. I am staying in Palm Cove, north of Cairns. So there will be a week of warm weather running.
Monday July 5th to Sunday July 11th
After some sleep revovery on Sunday night it was off to explore the area with a run in the 20 degree morning heat at Palm Cove. It seemed quite humid too. It was nice running beside the ocean but I didn't have a lot to give. It took me forever to get down below 5 minute pace but then I finished with a fast kilometre.
Mon 5/7 am: 9.30 km - 5:18 average pace - 4:37 fastest km - Ave stride 1.26 m
Tue 6/7 am: 9.03 km - 5:04 average pace - 4:41 fastest km - Ave stride 1.30 m
I have been struggling to get going early in the runs this week due to a few factors. Firstly my bed is a bit soft and I wake with a stiff back. I also pulled up stiff from Saturday's parkrun but that has been improving during the week. Then there is the humidity. Today I ran in 85% humidity and it is really zapping, especially coming from the cold runs back home.
Wed 7/7 am: 6.01 km - 5:04 average pace - 4:40 fastest km - Ave stride 1.32 m
Thu 8/7 am: 6.09 km - 4:58 average pace - 4:43 fastest km - Ave stride 1.34 m
.... 5x 200m intervals (ave pace): 4:05, 4:10, 4:10, 4:05, 4:00, (4:10)
After four days of running in the tropical warmth and a bit of humidity it was just starting to feel ok. It will be really interesting to now see the effect of going back to the cold of Victoria and how my running adjusts.
Friday was my travel day so no running. I did think about a bike ride when I got back but I was too tired adter the 3am get up.
On Saturday I was off to Cruden farm for the AV cross country there. CROSS COUNTRY IS TOUGH! Real cross country that is. The hills weren't too bad and it was a nice course but the soft ground is the killer. It takes so much out of you. I wasn't prepared for a 12 km run but, despite the soreness, I am reasonably happy with my run. The average pace was better than at Lardner Park and, while there was a slight drop off in pace, I was happy with the consistency. My first km was 4:34, my fifth was 4:33 and my ninth was 4:42 pace.
Sat 10/7 am: 2.01 km - 5:47 average pace - 5:19 fastest km - Ave stride 1.16 m
Sat 10/7 am: 11.60 km - 4:44 average pace - 4:32 fastest km - Ave stride 1.34 m
Sunday was the longest run, somewhat poorly timed for me the day after an AV cross country but I managed to get to the last three courses in the afternoon. I ran the Grand Ridge Rail Trail at Mirboo North in 26:00 at 1pm, then Koonwarra in 25:47 at 3pm and finished with Inverloch at 4:30pm in 24:54. I was stiff at the start of each run but got up to speed each time, running most around 5 minute pace. Tonight my back and legs are quite sore and stiff.
Sun 11/7 pm: 5 km - 5:11 average pace - 5:11, 5:05, 5:04. 5:12, 5:21 - Ave stride 1.31m
Sun 11/7 pm: 5 km - 5:08 average pace - 5:29, 5:01, 5:01, 5:05, 5:03 - Ave Stride 1.30m
Sun 11/7 pm: 5 km - 4:59 average pace - 5:01, 4:55, 4:57, 5:07, 4:56 - Ave stride 1.33m
Run New Zealand - Wellington Monday July 12th to Sunday July 18th
My body was so stiff on Monday morning. I did get up though and set out on a very slow jog just to get my muscles moving. And it was slow, I was struggling to get under 6 minute pace. I ran by the rec reserve and did sets of situps, getting in 60 of them.
Mon 12/7 am: 5.83 km - 5:50 average pace - 5:41 fastest km - Ave stride 1.18 m - 60 st up
Tuesday was a day off running as I had an early start to get to the bus for the year 12 camp. The step count was up on the tertiary tours on camp and I got to run around the city on Wednesday and Thursday mornings.
Wed 14/7 am: 5.66 km - 5:21 average pace - 4:59 fastest km - Ave stride 1.26 m
Thu 15/7 am: 4.82 km - 5:17 average pace - 5:12 fastest km - Ave stride 1.25 m
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