Sunday February 16th - Starting the build. I ran out along the coast road with Heather. It was a slow start with a very stiff body - that first kilometre was slower than 6 minute pace! My new philosophy is to fit in some "at pace" running into every run if possible - "at pace" is 3:35 pace and I have it set as an alert on my watch. We were on an 11 km run, and getting to some nice sub 4:30 pace on the way back (with the wind at our backs). At 9.5 km I put my foot down and averaged 3:31 pace for the next 500 metres (9.5 to 10). I averaged 3:47 pace for 10 to 10.5 - not real happy about the drop off - and then averaged 3:45 pace to 10.75 before easing back the pace for the last 250.
Sun 16/2 am: 11.01 km - 4:46 average pace - 3:57 fastest km
Monday February 17th to Sunday February 23rd
I was off to a course over in the Latrobe Valley on Monday so I skipped the monday morning run and had an extended run at intervals after work. I ran a long warm up then two sets of four running the interval both out and back - so up, down, up then down again. The down was into the wind.
Mon 17/2 pm: 7.99 km - 4:52 average pace - 4:36 fastest km
.... 4 intervals (ave pace): 4:07, 3:37, 3:46, 3:22
.... 4 intervals (ave pace): 3:37, 3:21, 3:44, 3:18
Tue 18/2 am: 8.34 km - 5:00 average pace - 4:46 fastest
I am quite flat at the moment. Tuesday's run was very lethargic and on Wednesday I ran kilometre intervals, only getting one under 4 minute pace.
Wed 19/2 am: 10.10 km - 4:49 average pace - 3:51 fastest km
.... (x3 Intervals - ave pace): 4:14, 4:01, 3:51
On Thursday morning I ran into the Rec Reserve (about 2.5 km) to warm up for a "drills & skills" session on the oval. Running back and forward across the oval (about 120m) I ran skips, high knees, kick backs and then some accelerations with shorter versions of those other skills in between. In the accelerations I was focussed on not "trying" to run fast but to just build up to a comfortable pace. I need to try and run in a more relaxed manner.
Thu 20/2 am: 9.09 km - 5:09 average pace - 4:46 fastest km
... accelerations (ave): 3:26, 3;34 / 3:16, 3:34, 3:23
Friday was a day off - a total day off - no running, no cycling. My first in a long time.
I felt good when I woke on Saturday, ate breakfast and then drove out to Inverloch. I was pretty slow in the first kilometre of the warm up but that was a deliberate slow warm up. I picked up some good speed. Again I ran parkrun blind, with the watch recording 200m intervals. It hasn't really worked for me and, again, i was disappointed with the time at the end. I followed up almost immediately with a run to the surf beach and back - at speed. I held the speed at 4 minute pace for 4 km - running the 4 in 16:01 - and then eased it back for the last few hundred metres. In all I ran a sub 40 10km - but split over the three runs.
Sat 22/2 am: 3.31 km - 4:56 average pace - 4:29 fastest km
Sat 22/2 - Inverloch parkrun - 2nd - 3:47, 3:53, 3:52, 3:52, 3:55
.... 200m interval (ave per km): 45.0, 46.2, 46.2, 45.8, 46.4
Sat 22/2 am: 4.21 km - 4:04 average pace - 4:02, 4:02, 4:00, 3:57
On Sunday morning Heather and I ran a slowish ten kilometre run on the rail trail.
Sun 23/2 am: 10.08 km - 5:12 average pace - 4:57 fastest km
Monday February 24th to Sunday March 1st
I started the week with a short, sharp run around North Wonthaggi, pushing in the last kilometre.
Mon 24/2: am 5.15 km - 4:45 average pace - 4:03 fastest km
After work on Monday I headed out to Inverloch for an interval session. After a couple of warm up intervals I ran two ntervals with Julian who is pretty quick over the interval. I ran my two fastest intervals for a long time. I ran three down hill (1, 3 & 5) intervals and three up hills (2, 4 & 6).
Mon 24/2 pm: 4.17 km - 4:53 average pace - 4:31 fastest km
.... 6 intervals (ave pace): 3:46, 3:57, 2:59, 3:48, 2:57, 3:39
.... 6 intervals (max pace): 3:39, 3:46, 2:45, 3:40, 2:46, 3:36
Tue 25/2 am: 8.30 km - 5:04 average pace - 4:37 fastest kms (x3)
I was up early on Wednesday morning so drove out to the Desal for a skills and interval session. My warmup consisted of a longish build run then high knees, kick backs and skipping. I then ran repeat intervals on the track to the bird hide with high knees between each pair. i was really focussed on form when running.
Wed 26/2 am: 8.52 km - 4:55 average pace - 4:24 fastest km
.... 8x ~150m (ave pace): 3:41, 3:37, 3:25, 3:32, 3:17, 3:20, 3:20, 3:11
Thu 27/2 am: 9.20 km - 4:48 average pace - 4:15 fastest km (fartlek run)
Friday was a day off - a complete day off - for the second week in a row.
I felt ok on Saturday morning. I got to parkrun early and ran a nice warm up and then started parkrun well. I had an early "on pace" notification (sub 3:35 pace) but from there it all went down hill. I was disappointed with a 3:48 for the first kilometre but was just under 4 minute pace for the next two. Then I decided to have a go at parkrun bingo - I just need a 44. I was right on pace but ran just a tad quick in the last to get a 19:43 - missing by one second. As with last week i followed parkrun up with a fast run to the surf beach and back. I ran the 4 km in 15:50 this week, 10 seconds quicker.
Sat 29/2 am: 3.25 km - 4:55 average pace - 4:25 fastest km
Sat 29/2 - Inverloch parkrun - 2nd - 3:48, 3:59, 3:59, 4:02, 3:56 - 19:43
Sat 29/2 am: 4.22 km - 4:02 average pace - 4:00, 3:56, 3:57, 3:55
On Sunday Heather and I went to Wilsons Prom for the day with a stop at Fish Creek, along the way, for our run. We ran the up hill towards Foster with 88 metres of elevation and then back down to the creek.
Sun 1/3 am: 12.0 km - 5:00 average pace - 4:37 fastest km
Monday March 2nd to Sunday March 8th
I could have easily gone back to sleep on Monday morning but I got up and, surprisingly, felt ok. I set off on a short run to the Rec Reserve and back, picking up the pace as I went. It was a solid progression.
Mon 2/3 am: 5.37 km - 4:49 average pace - 4:14 fastest km
Mon 2/3 pm: 5.12 km - 4:51 average pace - 4:33 fastest km
.... intervals (ave pace): 3:45, 3:52, 3:23, 3:50, 3:14, 3:34, 3:16
Tue 3/3 am: 7.77 km - 5:15 average pace - 4:50 fastest km
It was out to the desal in the dark on Wednesday morning for a nice set of intervals. I ran a longish warm up and then ran intervals on the track out to the bird hide - same segment as last week.
Wed 4/3 am: 8.89 km - 4:54 average pace - 4:13 fastest km
.... 8 intervals (ave pace): 3:22, 3:30, 3:18, 3:23, 3:10, 3:13, 3:10, 3:06
I changed my rest day to Thursday this week and it was justified with torrential rain on Thursday morning. My Friday run was a "get going again" run with a significant progression in pace.
Fri 6/3 am: 6.01 km - 4:52 average pace - 4:21 fastest km
Saturday morning was parkrun day and this week the aim was to go as hard as possible in the first kilometre and let the rest take care of itself. I also had plans of running another 4 km plus follow up at four minute pace. It was a fast group and I flew out to the first turn, turning in 4th place but really happy with the time - a 3:30. Now I need to replicate that in a gift and then go even faster at Stawell.
Sat 7/3 am: 3.25 km - 4:55 average pace - 4:26 fastest km
Sat 7/3 - Inverloch parkrun - 6th - 3:30, 4:07, 4:03, 4:01, 4:08 - 19:52
Sat 7/3 am: 4.22 km - 4:01 average pace - 3:56, 3:56, 3:58, 3:59
Sun 8/3 am: 12.05 km - 4:59 average pace - 4:38 fastest km
Monday March 9th to Sunday March 15th
With a public holiday for Labour Day I got to sleep in and go for a decent run. I went out to the Desal and ran two small loops and the big one, getting in some nice pace at the end.
Mon 9/3 am: 10.30 km - 4:53 average pace - 4:22 fastest km
Mon 9/3 pm: 4.40 km - 4:31 average pace - 4:02 fastest km - 2x 200 & 400 - 2 reps
.... ave pace (time): 3:40 (44), 3:40 (44), 3:37 (87) / 3:40 (44), 3:30 (42), 3:27 (83)
My past few Tuesday morning runs have been quite slow but today I felt like i was runnng nicely early on. Somewhere on the soft golf course the fatigue struck my legs and I struggled on the homeward bound run.
I weighed in at 84.5 kg first thing this morning.
Tue 10/3 am: 9.73 km - 5:00 average pace - 4:41 fastest km
Wed 11/3 am: 6.02 km - 5:02 average pace - 4:34 fastest km
I went out to the Desal on Thursday morning for my speed and drills session. I ran under a full moon with a glorious pink/orange sky in the east. I ran 4 pairs of intervals with some high knees and skipping before each pair. On the way out I ran an easy effort final interval and averaged 3:38 pace on it.
Thu 12/3 am: 7.32 km - 4:56 average pace - 4:30 fastest km
.... (ave pace): 3:47, 3:33 / 3:14, 3:21 / 3:16, 3:09 / 3:08, 3:14 / 3:38 (75%)
Fri 13/3 am: 4.09 km - 5:07 average pace - 4:48 fastest km
The body felt good on Saturday morning, especially after eight straight days of running. My parkrun warm up was good but the conditions weren't - a cold strong wind from the south. I ran my first kilometre hard and was determined to push out from the turn and I did to a certain extent. From there the pressure was just to keep in front - with Bill about 20 secs behind me. I did that and finally claimed that 99th first token.
Sat 14/3 am: 3.25 km - 4:45 average pace - 4:22 fastest km
Sun 15/3 am: 10.05 km - 4:54 average pace - 4:33 fastest km
Monday March 16th to Sunday March 22nd
As coronavirus madness hits all the runs are being cancelled. The Geelong Gift was cancelled on the weekend (I wasn't entered) and the Berwick Gift cancellation is imminent. Next weekend I was due to run at Berwick on saturday and then the Keeping Kids on Track run on Sunday. I suspect both will be cancelled, along with parkrun. I was due to join Aths Vic to do the winter XCR series but it looks I have saved my money. It all gives me a chance to get back to training to run a fast 5km again.
Monday morning was a warning that winter is coming. A crisp clear Autumn morning but about 5 degrees and "feels like" 1 degree. I ran in long sleeves and wore my gloves.
Mon 16/3 am: 8.39 km - 4:58 average pace - 4:33 fastest km
Mon 16/3 pm: 2.08 km - 4:54 average pace - 4:44 fastest km
Mon 16/3 pm: 2.60 km - 4:26 average pace - 4:14 fastest km
.... 6x intervals (ave pace): 3:25, 3:45, 3:35, 3:25, 3:30, 3:45
I woke up still tired on Tuesday. It was my twelfth straight day of running and I never had a lot to give. I did pick up the pace for the last 2 km though. I weighed in at 84.1 kg first thing and then at 83.4 kg after the run.
Tue 17/3 am: 8.14 km - 5:12 average pace - 4:53 fastest km
On Tuesday the Berwick Gift was cancelled for this weekend and the Ringwood Gift plus Stawell were "postponed until later in the year". The Keeping Kids on Track run for Sunday was also postponed but there has been a virtual KKOT run organised for Sunday so that runners can run their distance and post their time and pic on an event page. On Wednesday morning parkrun was put on hold indefinately in Australia.
My plan this week was for rest days on Wednesday and Friday (not wanting to take consecutive days off). I didn't run on Wednesday but went on a 20 km cycle after tea.
I felt that my plans for Stawell were nicely on track. My weight was down and my short distance pace was improving. Now I need to concentrate of 5 and 10 km running and will take Stawell if and when it comes. So this particular chapter of the blog has come to an end and now is the time to look for new running opportunities.
Monday March 9th to Sunday March 15th
With a public holiday for Labour Day I got to sleep in and go for a decent run. I went out to the Desal and ran two small loops and the big one, getting in some nice pace at the end.
Mon 9/3 am: 10.30 km - 4:53 average pace - 4:22 fastest km
Mon 9/3 pm: 4.40 km - 4:31 average pace - 4:02 fastest km - 2x 200 & 400 - 2 reps
.... ave pace (time): 3:40 (44), 3:40 (44), 3:37 (87) / 3:40 (44), 3:30 (42), 3:27 (83)
My past few Tuesday morning runs have been quite slow but today I felt like i was runnng nicely early on. Somewhere on the soft golf course the fatigue struck my legs and I struggled on the homeward bound run.
I weighed in at 84.5 kg first thing this morning.
Tue 10/3 am: 9.73 km - 5:00 average pace - 4:41 fastest km
Wed 11/3 am: 6.02 km - 5:02 average pace - 4:34 fastest km
I went out to the Desal on Thursday morning for my speed and drills session. I ran under a full moon with a glorious pink/orange sky in the east. I ran 4 pairs of intervals with some high knees and skipping before each pair. On the way out I ran an easy effort final interval and averaged 3:38 pace on it.
Thu 12/3 am: 7.32 km - 4:56 average pace - 4:30 fastest km
.... (ave pace): 3:47, 3:33 / 3:14, 3:21 / 3:16, 3:09 / 3:08, 3:14 / 3:38 (75%)
Fri 13/3 am: 4.09 km - 5:07 average pace - 4:48 fastest km
The body felt good on Saturday morning, especially after eight straight days of running. My parkrun warm up was good but the conditions weren't - a cold strong wind from the south. I ran my first kilometre hard and was determined to push out from the turn and I did to a certain extent. From there the pressure was just to keep in front - with Bill about 20 secs behind me. I did that and finally claimed that 99th first token.
Sat 14/3 am: 3.25 km - 4:45 average pace - 4:22 fastest km
Sat 14/3 - Inverloch parkrun - 1st - 3:38, 3:58, 3:59, 3:56, 3:52 - 19:17 - 99th 1st token
Sat 14/3 am: 2.53 km - 3:57 average pace - 3:53 fastest km
Monday March 16th to Sunday March 22nd
As coronavirus madness hits all the runs are being cancelled. The Geelong Gift was cancelled on the weekend (I wasn't entered) and the Berwick Gift cancellation is imminent. Next weekend I was due to run at Berwick on saturday and then the Keeping Kids on Track run on Sunday. I suspect both will be cancelled, along with parkrun. I was due to join Aths Vic to do the winter XCR series but it looks I have saved my money. It all gives me a chance to get back to training to run a fast 5km again.
Monday morning was a warning that winter is coming. A crisp clear Autumn morning but about 5 degrees and "feels like" 1 degree. I ran in long sleeves and wore my gloves.
Mon 16/3 am: 8.39 km - 4:58 average pace - 4:33 fastest km
Mon 16/3 pm: 2.08 km - 4:54 average pace - 4:44 fastest km
Mon 16/3 pm: 2.60 km - 4:26 average pace - 4:14 fastest km
.... 6x intervals (ave pace): 3:25, 3:45, 3:35, 3:25, 3:30, 3:45
I woke up still tired on Tuesday. It was my twelfth straight day of running and I never had a lot to give. I did pick up the pace for the last 2 km though. I weighed in at 84.1 kg first thing and then at 83.4 kg after the run.
Tue 17/3 am: 8.14 km - 5:12 average pace - 4:53 fastest km
On Tuesday the Berwick Gift was cancelled for this weekend and the Ringwood Gift plus Stawell were "postponed until later in the year". The Keeping Kids on Track run for Sunday was also postponed but there has been a virtual KKOT run organised for Sunday so that runners can run their distance and post their time and pic on an event page. On Wednesday morning parkrun was put on hold indefinately in Australia.
My plan this week was for rest days on Wednesday and Friday (not wanting to take consecutive days off). I didn't run on Wednesday but went on a 20 km cycle after tea.
I felt that my plans for Stawell were nicely on track. My weight was down and my short distance pace was improving. Now I need to concentrate of 5 and 10 km running and will take Stawell if and when it comes. So this particular chapter of the blog has come to an end and now is the time to look for new running opportunities.