Saturday, 7 September 2019

57 - Another half marathon to the MCG

..... follows 56 - The path to my 250th parkrun

Now that the 250 is run and I have to wait five years or so for the next milestone, it is time to mover on.  Before I start the "sprint" season there will be another half marathon in my seventh consecutive appearance at the Melbourne Marathon running festival.  I choose to do the half marathon there simply because it is the best run there.  The marathon, apart from being a marathon, gets too much heavy traffic when we get back to the Albert Park lake exit,  The 10 km is just too early and you end up running into a mostly empty stadium.  The half is a challenging distance and the stadium is buzzing when you get back.

I am also out to atone for last years errors.  I ran without a cap on a sunny, blustery 28 degree morning.  I ran the perfect 13 km or so and then just blew up.  I was right on 4 minute pace at the 15 km mark but "lost" minutes on the run to the MCG.

I was feeling reasonable fresh after an easyish parkrun on Saturday, so on Sunday morning I decided to incorporate some kilometre intervals into my longer run - two easy then one hard.  Sunday was my tenth straight day of running.  The coming week will be a lighter week with the Phillip island (trail) running festival next Sunday.

Sun 8/9 am:  10.41 km - 4:34 average pace - 3:43 fastest km
.... intervals: 3:57, 3:53, 3:43

Monday September 9th to Saturday September 14th
My plan for Monday was only to run four hourly runs, starting at 8 am, out at least 4 km and to rest and let the body cool down between them - Run, Rest, Recover x4.  I expected to be around the 16 km mark by the end.  The second run blew out a little when I was chasing Strava segments and I ended up running 21.1 km, exactly a half marathon, in one hour forty minutes.  The legs were stiff after the final run but I feel better than I expect I would if I had just churned out a half marathon.

Mon 9/9 am:  4.59 km - 4:45 average pace - 4:21 fastest km
Mon 9/9 am:  6.51 km - 4:29 average pace - 4:06 fastest km
Mon 9/9 am:  4.40 km - 4:50 average pace - 4:22 fastest km
Mon 9/9 am:  5.65 km - 4:56 average pace - 4:48 fastest km

I pulled up quite well from the Monday running.  The rught ankle remains a problem and was terribly stiff at the start of my tuesday morning run (and through monday afternoon and evening), but it loosened nicely during the run.

Tue 10/9 am:  8.43 km - 4:43 average pace - 4:09 fastest km

On Wednesday I took the first day off from running as part of the first two day break for quite a long while.  I did cycle 19 km as a replacement.  This free running day followed 12 consecutive days of running.

I cycled almost 16 km on Thursday afternoon.  No running.

Fri 13/9 am:  6.04 km - 4:48 average pace - 4:31 fastest km

Saturday morning and I was back at Inverloch for the 5th birthday celebrations.  Bill and I controlled the pace early.  With no bolters we were able to hold a nice easy 4 minute pace and slowed slightly through the 2nd and 3rd kilometres.  I decided to push in the fourth and fifth and finished with some nice pace.  It was my 83rd 1st token in my 197 parkruns at Inverloch.  It was the 267th Inverloch parkrun.
Sat 14/9 am:  3.32 km - 4:40 average pace - 4:24 fastest km
Sat 14/9 am:  Inverloch parkrun: 19:59 - 4:01, 4;11, 4:09, 3:49, 3:50 (1st)
Sat 14/9 am:  1.60 km - 5:08 average pace - 4:42 fastest km

Sunday September 15th - Phillip Island Running Festival
Despite my dislike of trail running it was off to the PI Running Festival to run a (partial) trail - although more like a cross country course - over 10 km between the Penguin Parade and The Nobbies on Sunday.  The course was quite up and down and the strong wind was hard to deal with at times.  My times were really up and down, depending on the conditions around the course - 4:08, 3:54, 3:53, 4:09, 3:52, 4:30 (boardwalk & steps), 4:06, 3:54, 4:08, 3:58 and 3:55 pace for the final 650 metres.  I was running in fourth place early in the race and, on the run UP to The Nobbies, ran past two runners to run across the top in second place.  Unfortunately one of the runners that I passed and another, who had been drafting me early in the race, got past me in the last 3 km on the cliff top path.  That left me in fourth place and just off the podium.
Sun 15/9 am:  2.41 km - 4:35 average pace - 4:19 fastest km
Sun 15/9 am:  10.65 km - 4:03 average pace - 3:52 fastest km - 43:10 (4th overall)
Sun 15/9 am:  1.01 km - 5:11 average pace

Monday September 16th to Sunday September 22nd
I woke with a stiff body on Monday, after some solid running on the weekend.  My right heel was stiff, but not too bad.  I decided on a long, slow recovery run on my 13 km course.  It was a slow stiff start as I got the body moving but I was running nicely towards the end.  After the run I am icing the right heel and ankle, just to change things up a bit.

Mon 16/9 am:  13.30 km - 4:59 average pace - 4:41 fastest km
Tue 17/9 am:  8.36 km - 4:43 average pace - 4:15 fastest km

I woke on Tuesday morning with stiffness in the back so I eased it by rubbing in heat and set off on a run into town.  It was a slow start but the body freed up and I was running nicely through the run.  I iced the right heel again after the run as it seemed to work well yesterday.  Later in the day I cycled 19 km.

Most of the stiffness had gone by Wednesday morning but there was just an underlying soreness through the body.  I ran ok though, completing kilometre intervals, and then warmed down with a 12 km cycle.

Wed 18/9 am:  10.19 km - 4:34 average pace - 3:52 fastest km
.... km intervals x3:  4:05, 4:00, 3:52
Thu 19/9 am:  7.07 km - 4:58 average pace - 4:39 fastest km
Fri 20/9 am:  5.19 km - 4:55 average pace - 4:39 fastest km

My body was feeling a little better by Friday.  I started the day with a 19 km cycle and then ran out at Inverloch.

Saturday morning was parkrun at Inverloch, my 198th at Inverloch.  It was another slow start with nobody wanting to push and my body not really in a state to go it alone.  I quickened the pace in the second and put on a large gap to second (at the final turn there was nobody in sight).  I decided to go for the 44 seconds to get my parkrun bingo, deciding vetween 19:44 and 20:44 in the first half of the run.  I settled on 20:44 and eased it right back in the final two kilometres.  My time clicked over just a touch too early and I ended with a 20:45 and my 84th first token at Inverloch.
Sat 21/9 am:  3.13 km - 4:53 average pace - 4:30 fastest km
Sat 21/9 am:  Inverloch parkrun: 20:45 - 4:07, 3;58, 4:03, 4:12, 4:24 (1st)

Sunday morning was my long, fast run to prepare for the half at Melbourne.  I ran the 14 km circuit from the Guide Park, out via Harmers Haven and the Cape road.  Last year I ran it solo at the same point in my prep, averaging 4:15 pace.  I also ran it in late August (this year) with Tom at 4:22 pace.  Today I eased into it up the hill and then hit race pace (4:00 per km) for the fourth, fifth and sixth kilometres.  I then pulled it back a little, aiming to get back to race pace when I was back on the bitumen.  Unfortunately I hit the head wind and was not able to get back to that pace until the last, when I was well and truly on the down hill.  I did repeat the 4:22 average though with the time a touch quicker than last month's run.  I seem to have pulled up from it well.

Sun 22/9 am:  14.02 km - 4:22 average pace - 3:57 fastest km
Sun 22/9 am:  2.13 km - 4:59 average pace - 4:54 fastest km

Monday September 23rd to Sunday September 29th
I was quite stiff on Monday morning and ran a slow easy recovery run into town and back.  My right side needs a bit of work - hamstring & calf but the ankle is also an ongoing problem.  After the run I used the spiky balls on both the hammy and calf and also applied heat before the shower.

Mon 23/9 am:  8.26 km - 5:10 average pace - 4:50 fastest km
Mon 23/9 pm:  5.13 km - 4:54 average pace - 4:28 fastest km (WRR Intervals)
... 170 m intervals (max pace):  4:14, 3:55, 3:55, 3:53, 3:58
Tue 24/9 am:  10.25 km - 4:56 average pace - 4:41 fastest km

I am waking pretty early at the moment with the early sunrise and found it hard to get motivated to run on Wednesday morning.  When I got started though I ran with some nice speed.  Late in the day I ran a second time, cycling out to the Desal, running out there and then cycling home.  I rode around 21 km.  My body is tired and worn out at the moment, looking forward to some taper.

Wed 25/9 am:  8.37 km - 4:42 average pace - 4:05 fastest km
Wed 25/9 pm:  5.04 km - 4:42 average pace - 4:33 fastest km

After thirteen days of running I had a rest day on Thursday.  We left home early for the Melbourne Show and then a holiday to Ocean Grove and then Echuca.

On Friday I ran around the streets of North Melbourne, a short, sharp progression run to freshen up.

Fri 27/9 am:  6.01 km - 4:52 average pace - 4:34 fastest km

Saturday morning was parkrun at Ocean Grove, the 24th letter of my parkrun alphabet, and there was a runner there planning to break the course record and run around 15 minutes.  I set off with the front runners and settled nicely, getting into clear third the first time up the hill.  I was a little diasppointed with the first kilometre but was quicker in the second and again in the third.  I was unhappy with the drop in speed for the fourth and ran the last one angry to get home in a 3:42 - just over the 19 minutes (when I wanted to be under).  It was a nice hit out though, especially on the back of a big workout.  Now I really need to start honing the speed.  I did get the age group record at Ocean Grove though.
Sat 28/9 am:  3.49 km - 4:47 average pace - 4:24 fastest km
Sat 28/9 am:  Ocean Grove parkrun: 19:06 - 3:39, 3;48, 3:46, 3:56, 3:42 (3rd)
Sat 28/9 am:  1.88 km - 5:03 average pace
Sun 29/9 am:  10.54 km - 4:56 average pace - 4:37 fastest km

I ended another big week (64 km) feeling general soreness all over (plus a really stiff neck).  That ends a pretty solid block of running - I have run 263 km in September so far - and now I need to cruise for the next fortnight to taper for the MCG.

Monday September 30th to Sunday October 6th
I started my week in Echuca with a run around the riversde track alongside the Murray and Campaspe rivers.

Mon 30/9 am:  7.11 km - 4:50 average pace - 4:39 fastest km
Tue 1/10 am:  8.20 km - 4:53 average pace - 4:33 fastest km

On Wednesday morning I ran to the Echuca golf course to have a go at my old Strava segment there.  I ran in the low 4s but missed getting onto the segment by a few metres.  After the run I treated the sore spots - right hip and hammys - with deep heat.

Wed 2/10 am:  8.59 km - 4:33 average pace - 4:04 fastest km
Thu 3/10 am:  8.08 km - 4:41 average pace - 4:14 fastest km

Friday October 4th - my 53rd birthday.  I have had a big week - not in distance but a bit of speed - and the lower back is stiff and the legs are heavy.  For my birthday I made two segments on the new pathway alongside Warren Street (where th new bridge is going).  I got back at around 5 km and ran until 5.3 km just for the sake of it :)

Fri 4/10 am:  5.30 km - 4:41 average pace - 4:17 fastest km

On Saturday morning I ran at Echuca Moama parkrun for the eighth time.  It was quickly evident I wouldn't be running a fast run so I set my self for a "44" for parkrun bingo - deciding to run 3:57s to go for a 19:44.  I was slightly behind after the first kilometre and then kept the pace at around 3:56 pace for the last four.  I was slightly ahead approaching the line and tried to slow to get the 19:44 on my watch, but crossed the line then stopped my watch at 19:43.7.  They got me a fraction of a second earlier and I was officially 1 second under.  I ran into third place.  On the way home I ran most with Heather then diverted for a quick lap of the primary school oval, running the 530 metres at 3:50 pace.
Sat 5/10 am:  2.52 km - 5:07 average pace - 4:50 fastest km
Sat 5/10 am:  Echuca Moama parkrun: 19:43 - 3:59, 3;56, 3:55, 3:56, 3:56 (3rd)
Sat 5/10 am:  3.31 km - 4:57 average pace - 4:03 fastest km

On Sunday we met Matt at Braeside Park for a run around there.  Then we had lunch with him and drove home.

Sun 6/10 am:  7.01 km - 4:59 average pace - 4:42 fastest km

Monday October 7th to Saturday October 12th
Taper Week:
My body has settled down with a whole lote of shorter, albeit intense at times, runs last week.  My plan has been for a two day break to freshen up this week but I have decided to go for two separate days - Tuesday and Friday - instead of consecutive days.

I started the week with a longer run - 10 km - at an easy pace.  If I didn't get a 10 in today then I would have been running my first 10 for the month in the half marathon.  I am confident with the work that I have done but decided it would be good to have the 10 km this week and not any more of a toll on the body than an easy paced seven or eight.  I started the day with a 13 km cycle before going out for the run.

Mon 7/10 am:  10.11 km - 4:50 average pace - 4:42 fastest km

Tuesday was the first of the two run-free days this week.  I cycled 18 km (and was swooped by three magpies) instead.

I was back running on Wednesday morning, starting slowly and labouring early, settling into some nice easy 13 km/h running and then picking up the pace later in what was a progression run.

Wed 9/10 am:  8.30 km - 4:40 average pace - 4:07 fastest km
Thu 10/10 am:  5.72 km - 4:52 average pace - 4:36 fastest km

Friday was my second day off for the week.  I had a total day off, no cycling either.

On Saturday morning I ran at Inverloch parkrun, doing a shortened warm up and then running at a much slower pace.  It is amazing how easy 4:20 pace feels at parkrun, but if I try and train at that pace then it is wearing.  I was aiming to get a 21:44 - to get the parkrun bingo - but found myself a bit ahead of the 4:21 pace needed early.  I had to really slow in the third and found myself myself back at the 4:18 pace for the last two.  It would have had to be a real fake finish to get out to 21:44.  So now, after the half tomorrow, it will be time to really have a crack at some fast work and, possibly, a PB in the Spring or early Summer.
Sat 12/10 am:  2.19 km - 4:59 average pace - 4:48 fastest km
Sat 12/10 am:  Inverloch parkrun: 21:40 - 4:17, 4;18, 4:28, 4:18, 4:17 (3rd)

Now for the half marathon at Melbourne.  My body feels strong and, given how sore I was two weeks ago, I have had a great fortnight in the taper period.  This week I have only run the 31 km and most has been pretty easy.  The weather is looking great so this may be the perfect opportunity to get my average pace down near the 4 minute mark.

Sunday October 13th - Melbourne Marathon
I run the half marathon at the Melbourne marathon festival because the 10 km finishes too early.  This year, my seventh consecutive year at the festival, was fourth half marathon here.  Since I don't really train for 90 minute runs my aim is to stay upder 4 minute pace for as long as possible.  I was under 40 minutes for the 10 km, so was happy with that.  In the second half my running became eratic as I tried to keep the pace up, battling the endurance ability of my body.
Sun 13/10 am:  2.58 km - 4:53 average pace - 4:38 fastest km
Sun 13/10 - Melbourne HALF Marathon - 1:28:46 - 4:09 average pace - 10 km 39:41

I have now run 12 half marathon races with NINE of them sub 90 runs, and two of the others were just over the 90 minutes.  The only easy half was the "Wings for Life" that Matt and I cruised down the Monash in.  I'm not sure if there will be any more.  The past three I haven't trained specifically for and today the run really hurt - but then never say never.

Burnley Half Marathon
21.4 1 30 37
  MELBOURNE MARATHON - half 21.2 1 27 43
  Traralgon Half Marathon 21.3 1 27 35
Cadbury - Aust Masters Half Marathon 21.1 1 31 35
  Wings for Life World Run 21.5 1 51 15
2016 Melbourne Half Marathon 21.1 1 29 23
  Traralgon Half Marathon 21.1 1 30 25
Gold Coast Half Marathon 21.2 1 28 41
Melbourne Half Marathon 2018 21.3 1 27 20
  Kununurra Half Marathon (2nd) 21.1 1 28 05
Melbourne Half Marathon 2019 21.4 1 28 55

When I reflect though, I have been able to run two solid half marathons this year with a maximum of 14 km in training each time - and that long run done in just over an hour.  So I have to be happy with that.
The marathon festival is excellent with heaps of Wonny Road Runners in action and a great atmosphere when we all meet up after the race in the MCG stands.  Whatever happens I will be back to run something next year.

This afternoon I was able to sit in a warm spa at the hotel and then massaged heat into the legs and had a hot shower, before putting the legs up.

Overnight on Sunday I suffered some serious knee soreness on the left side.  I was quite stiff in the legs on Monday, especially in the quads.  I revovered with a run on Monday afternoon.

Mon 14/10 pm:  6.19 km - 5:24 average pace - 5:00 fastest km