Monday, 13 August 2018

47. Speed training and one more half marathon

.... follows: 46. Winter running with VCCL & Wonthaggi Road Runners

The next chapter of my running will be the summer season of pro-gift running, focussing on 1600 and 3200 metre running.  That means speed!  The training will focus on a lot of fast interval running as well as upper body strength training.

BUT - I have also decided to run another half marathon - on the back of interval and short distance training.  The Melbourne marathon is in just on two months so i should be well into the program by the time I run it.  In the past I have prepared for half marathons with a lot of plod-work, long distances at slower speeds.  The result is that I lose my speed.  Ever since the Puffing Billy run i have been curious as to whether I can run a fast half on the back of speed training.  There is only one way to find out!

Monday August 13th to Sunday August 19th
The first morning of a new program.  I woke to the sound of rain on the roof and considered going back to sleep but I am really keen to get going on the new program - so up I got and headed out, only to stay dry.

I followed up the run with a weights session - no boxing today, just weights.  It included a bit of barbell work and squats both with and without the barbell.  I also introduced some bent over rows with individual bricks (dumb bells).

Monday 13/8 am:  5.19 km - 4:41 ave pace - 4:23 fastest km.
Monday 13/8 pm:  6.03 km - 4:44 ave pace - 4:37 fastest km.
.... intervals - peak pace: 4:09, 3:39, 3:43, 3:27 & 3:26
In the interval session I felt heavy and sluggish but I was able to find some decent speed a couple of times.  The intervals were into the wind.

Tuesday 14/8 am:  10.01 km - 4:53 ave pace - 4:26 fastest km
Thursday 16/8 am:  6.93 km - 4:42 ave pace - 4:20 fastest km
.... 300 / 800 intervals - ave pace 300 m: 4:33, 3:53, 3:43, 3:37, 3:33, 3:50

Having not run on a Thursday for over a month it was a Thursday morning run this week with the rest day having been mover to Wednesday for an early start at work.  The first interval, 800 m in, was a shocker, peaking at 4:31 pace but slow throughout.  After that I loosened up and finished the session strongly.  I am feeling something in the right hip at times but generally the body is ok.  The ankles are stiff at the start of each day.  I finished off with some weights and the punching bag, but it wasn't as extensive as on Tuesday.

Friday Aug 17th: 87.4 kg
Friday 17/8 am:  7.21 km - 4:49 ave pace - 4:28 fastest km

The weight is up at the moment.  I have been eating quite a bit the past few weeks and have had more coca cola than usual.  I am also wondering what the gentle weights program will do for my weight.  I will definitely get it down from today's weigh-in but does the weights program mean that I won't get down to 84 kg again?

This weekend Leongatha were playing footy in Bairnsdale so we headed to Traralgon after work on Friday to get some of the trip out of the way.

Saturday 18/8 am:  3.33 km - 4:47 ave pace - 4:29 fastest km
Saturday 18/8 Traralgon parkrun: 18:40 - 3:49, 3:46, 3:41, 3:41, 3:40 - 3rd

With only the two interval runs after four easy weeks I just wanted to see what I had at Traralgon parkrun.  A few runners led me out, with Michael Tripodi flying out in front (he ran a 17:00).  I eased into it and started to pick them off, finding myself running quite nicely.  I spent the second lap hauling in a young bloke, got past him near the end, but then he got past me again right at the end.  I helped him and the fourth placed runner to PBs but missed my own Traralgon PB by just the one second.  Given that I am at least 2 kg overweight and that I ran in my heavier training shoes I was absolutely stoked to run an 11:02 last 3 km.  With some heavy training behind me there will be some real fast runs in the next 6 months.
Sunday 19/8 am:  3.03 km - 4:55 ave pace - 4:40 fastest km
Sunday 19/8 am: WRR Handicap: 5.05 km - 20:18 - 9th place (out of 14)
.... 300 / 700 intervals - ave pace 300 m: 3:33, 3:20, 3:30, 3:43, 3:43

The competitive instinct just takes over at times.  At both parkrun in Traralgon and the Road Runners handicap I have ended up running harder than expected just because there was a chance to get past other runners.  I started in 13th place in the handicap - with just Scott behind me.  Running 300 metre intervals I started quickly with the wind behind me for the first two.  Scott passed me in the first rest and I ran most of the race in last place.  The last three intervals were into a very strong 40 km/h head wind.  They were hard work but, in retrospect, I am pretty happy with them.  With the last interval out of the way I made the last turn and, with 500 metres to go had a wall of slower runners ahead of me and the wind at my back.  I actually ran faster in that last 500 metres than I had in most of the intervals.  I passed four runners and had Mal in my sights for the last 100.  Running at sub 3 minute pace for the last 50 metres I got him right on the line to finish in 9th place.

After the last few runs I have fely just a tiny bit of tightness in my left ITB muscle.  I gave it a pretty solid rub with heat and oil before my shower today.

Monday August 20th to Sunday August 26th
I iced the ITB last night and woke up with it feeling fine.  Everything else was good with the body two after a couple of hard runs on the weekend.  I started the new week with a nice easy run before some more intervals after work.  The plan is to just keep stepping it up bit by bit over the next few weeks.

Monday 20/8 am:  7.03 km - 4:55 ave pace - 4:42 fastest km
Monday 20/8 pm:  7.37 km - 4:34 ave pace - 4:01 fastest km - 230 m intervals
.... 1st set - ave pace 230 m: 3:42, 3:15, 3:40, 3:20, 3:35
....2nd set - ave pace 230 m: 3:17, 3:31, 3:13, 3:21, 3:20

The intervals were windy with the wind from the west.  The odd numbered intervals were all into the wind and the evens with it.  That is reflected in the times but I got stronger into the wind as the session progressed.

On Monday I discovered that the parkrun event on Saturday was changed to be a VCCL race.  This was because the AV event for the day had been cancelled due to conditions.  Then I found out that I was the fastest time on handicap.  So I won my first VCCL race because I got caught up racing at Traralgon.  That last 3 km got me over the line, winning by 8 seconds.

Tuesday 21/8 am:  5.19 km - 4:56 average pace - 4:25 fastest km
Wedn'day 22/8 am:  10.11 km - 4:33 average pace - 4:02 fastest km - five 2 km strides
.... strides - peak pace: 3:45, 3:33, 3:35, 3:42 & 3:42

Wednesday morning I ran my 10 km run for the week and for variety tried to run with a build in speed, peaking 2 km in and then dropping it right back.  The first looked more like an interval but after that the build in pace is more clear.
Wedn'day 22/8 pm:  5.07 km - 4:55 average pace - 4:46 fastest km

Thursday was a rest day after seven days straight of running.

Friday Aug 24th: 87.1 kg

Friday 24/8 am:  8.28 km - 4:41 ave pace - 4:10 fastest km

I will be using Saturday's parkrun as an interval session for many of the runs in the next couple of months.  This week I started it off with ten 200 m intervals with a 300 rest in between.

Saturday 25/8 am:  3.32 km - 4:50 average pace - 4:21 fastest km
Saturday 25/8 am:  5.00 km - 4:03 average pace - 3:57 fastest km - parkrun 20:19
ave pace - 200m: 3:10, 3:05, 3:05, 300, 3:15, 3:15, 3:10, 3:10, 3:15, 3:10
.......200 m splits:    38  /  37  /  37  /  36 /  39  /  39  /  38  /  38  /  39  /  38
In the fourth interval I was able to sustain sub 3 minute pace for most of the 200 metres, peaking at 2:53 pace.  I hit sub 3 pace in three of the first four intervals but that dropped off in the second half., losing 2 or 3 seconds per 200.

Sunday 26/8 am:  10.06 km - 4:51 average pace - 4:34 fastest km

Monday August 27th to Sunday September 2nd
Monday 27/8 am:  6.13 km - 4:48 average pace - 4:23 fastest km
Monday 27/8 pm:  7.67 km - 4:25 ave pace - 3:55 fastest km - 200 m intervals
.... 1st set - ave pace 200 m: 3:19, 3:17, 3:28, 3:16, 3:29
....2nd set - ave pace 200 m: 3:08, 3:21, 3:15, 3:22, 3:11
.....3rd set - ave pace 200 m: 3:30, 3:18, 3:25, 3:17, 3:21

After work on Monday I drove out to Inverloch and ran three sets of 5x 200 metre intervals.  I set the course up for 200s this week and was more accurate than last week.  I ran with the chest strap on to get accurate heart rate recordings - so used the old watch.  It was a hard session but I get through them pretty quickly.  My body is coming out of the intervals well with no muscle soreness.  I'm starting to feel stronger already and I was reasonably happy with the consistency of the intervals today.

On Tuesday morning I ran my mid week 10 km with just a little soreness in the legs.  it was a pretty cold morning and I ran with my beanie and gloves.  This week I decided to extend on the 2 km builds but with a little more structure.  I set the watch to beep at me every 400 metres with five builds in pace over each 2 km section and then a drop in pace.  So it was a double progression with a progression over each 200 metres and each 200 metre section also getting quicker through the run.

Tuesday 28/8 am:  10.11 km - 4:39 average pace - 4:02 fastest km - stairway intervals
..... last 400 of each set (ave):  4:25, 4:15, 4:08, 4:00, 3:50

Wednesday 29/8 am:  7.02 km - 4:53 average pace - 4:38 fastest km
Wednesday 29/8 pm:  4.50 km - 4:34 average pace - 4:28 fastest km ... oval sprints
..... 4x 5 lots of 50 m / 3x 2 lots of 100 m / 1x 250 m

After work on Wednesday I headed to the Wonthaggi rec reserve, got the running gear on and then put on the new running spikes.  On the warm up I marked out five 50 m (approx) intervals to do some sprint work around the bends.  I had a few really good intervals, including the fifth interval of the 1st 50 m set - 2:56 pace - and the first interval of the 2nd 100 m set - 2:57 pace.  I averaged 3:17 pace for the 250 (which was probably a touch short).  The spikes felt ok and I got through without spiking my legs.  It is a bit hard to judge though as it was an afternoon session and the six days out from my last rest.  The feet and ankles are sore anyway.

Thursday ended up a rest day.  I had thought about running with the Headlampers group after work but the rain put an end to my ambition.

Friday Aug 31st: 86.1 kg

Friday 31/8 am:  7.02 km - 4:45 average pace - 4:22 fastest km

After my Friday run I followed up with a gym session - my fourth of the week.  I follow up most home runs with gym work in the outside shelter.  I start with leg stretches and, this morning, followed up with single brick arm curls.  Then I moved onto my makeshift barbell and did sets of 15 - overheads, over the top curls, pull ups and then more overheads.  In between sets I do some more stretching, including squats and then I do a boxing set - left and right leads.  I then finish with more barbell work - overheads, under curls, squats and overheads again - and then another set of single brick curls.

This morning I am really starting to feel some benefits from the weights program.  The weights are only light and I am still in the very early stages - low reps - but the shoulders are strengthening.

Saturday 1/9 am:  3.31 km - 4:54 average pace - 4:27 fastest km

Saturday 1/9 am:  5.00 km - 3:58 average pace - 3:45 fastest km - parkrun 19:46
ave pace - 200m: 3:10, 3:05, 3:20, 3:10, 3:15, 3:10, 3:10, 3:05, 3:15, 3:25
.......200 m splits:    38  /  37  /  40  /  38 /  39  /  38  /  38  /  37  /  39  /  41

I ran intervals again at parkrun and was around 25 seconds quicker this week.  The intervals were a little slower today - no 36 second interval - but I was able to run faster in the rest intervals.  I paid the price though and was spent for the final interval.
Next week is the Inverloch birthday (4 years) and the following week we will be on the Gold Coast - at Main Beach - so I will probably run proper parkruns for the next fortnight and then return with a step up to 300/200 intervals in three weeks time.

Sunday 2/9 am:  10.29 km - 4:40 average pace - 4:26 fastest km

Monday September 3rd to Sunday September 9th

I am feeling a bit sore at the start of the new week.  Nothing serious - just general soreness in the lower back, lags and ankles.  My lower back pulled real tight at one point at the football yesterday and I had to sit until it settled.  After my run Monday morning I rubbed heat into the right hip before my shower.  After the evening run I rubbed heat into the ankles, right hamstring and lower back/right hip before that shower.

Monday 3/9 am:  5.06 km - 4:50 average pace - 4:26 fastest km

Monday 3/9 pm:  7.30 km - 4:33 average pace - 4:15 fastest km - 150 m intervals
.... 1st set - ave pace 150 m: 3:20, 3:26, 3:34, 3:27
....2nd set - ave pace 150 m: 3:15, 3:25, 3:20
.....3rd set - ave pace 150 m: 3:24, 3:14, 3:19
Camp ground speed bump sprints:  - between 2nd & 3rd sets
..... ave pace: - OUT:  3:10, 3:22, 3:16, 3:30 & BACK: 3:24, 3:13, 3:19, 3:18

Tuesday 4/9 am:  10.18 km - 4:57 average pace - 4:39 fastest km

I was feeling a bit stiff and sore on Tuesday morning so I just ran a longer, easier run to give the body a break.

A return to the Mona Fartleks.  Wednesday morning saw me get back to a new series of Mona Fartleks.  I expect that this will be either 8 or 9 Mona's over a September and October.  I woke on Wednesday feeling quite good and ran accordingly, getting in just over 7 km in the 30 minute run.  It was my first Mona since June 20th.

Wednesday 5/9 am:  Mona - 7.03 km & 4.98 km (20 mins) - 4:16 average pace

...... 3:30, 3:23 / 3:19, 3:23, 3:33, 3:35 / 3:24, 3:30, 3:36, 3:33 / 3:22, 3:30, 3:22, 3:19

Wednesday 5/9 pm:  5.24 km - 4:44 average pace - 4:34 fastest km

Thursday was a rest day

Friday Sep 7th: 87.0 kg

I put on weight during the week, significantly following Fathers Day.  Emma made me lamingtons and Heather bought me a box of favourites chocolates and they have all been consumed already.

Friday 7/9 am:  6.04 km - 4:34 average pace - 4:00 fastest km
Saturday 8/9 am:  3.34 km - 4:32 average pace - 4:26 fastest km
Saturday 8/9 Inverloch parkrun: 18:36 - 3:42, 3:43, 3:45, 3:44, 3:41 - 2nd
This week was Inverloch parkrun's 4th birthday and I decided to move away from the intervals and see where I am at.  It was a bit of a slog but my pace was pretty consistent with each kilometre between 3:41 and 3:44.  It was also a VCCL race and I posted a solid time of 18:36.
Sunday 9/9 am:  7.56 km - 4:56 average pace - 4:44 fastest km

Monday September 10th to Sunday September 16th
Monday 10/9 am:  8.94 km - 4:42 average pace - 4:23 fastest km
Monday 10/9 pm:  5.18 km - 4:33 average pace - 4:17 fastest km (x2) - 150 m intervals
.... 1st set - ave pace 150 m: 3:11, 3:14, 3:19, 3:18
....2nd set - ave pace 150 m: 2:58, 3:21, 3:09, 3:16

We returned the Road Runners intervals to the parkrun stump this week given the extra daylight we are getting.  On a windless evening it was a nice fast course and i found my times to be much quicker than last Monday.

Tuesday 11/9 am:  10.03 km - 4:33 average pace - 4:00 fastest km - stairway intervals

..... last 400 of each set (ave):  4:03, 4:00, 3:50, 3:50, 3:47

On Tuesday morning I ran my second set of "stairway" intervals.  I set the watch to beep each 400 metres and step it up each time in sections of five (2 km), and then start again.  It is a good workout and is great practice in pace control.  I finished with a weights and boxing session, my last for a week with the Gold Coast weekend coming up.

I woke on Wednesday morning with a very stiff lower back and rubbed a bit of heat into it before heading to the Guide park for intervals.  The wind had come up overnight - a stiff westerly - so I was running into it for the first half of the Mona Fatrtlek.  Despite that I ran a pretty fast set of intervals - faster on the return - and covered around 100 metres further than last week.

Wednesday 12/9 am:  Mona - 7.12 km & 5.06 km (20 mins) - 4:13 average pace

...... 3:37, 3:35 / 3:30, 3:27, 3:22, 3:28 / 3:24, 3:32, 3:16, 3:23 / 3:19, 3:22, 3:28, 3:23
Wednesday 12/9 pm:  7.06 km - 4:26 average pace - 3:4 fastest km - Desal miles
..... out (hard) mile:  6:54 (4:13 pace) / in (fast) mile: 6:03 (3:44 pace)

After work on Wednesday I took my tired body out to the Desal tracks to test out the miles that I measured out on Monday morning.  It was a slow start and the "Hard" mile was into the wind today, as well as being up hill.  I flew on the "Fast" mile back though and almost broke the 6 minute mark - and that was with a real stiff body.  I have run 38 km in the past three days, almost 3 hours of running.

Thursday 13/9 am:  6.26 km - 5:04 average pace - 4:49 fastest km

After work on Thursday Heather and I drove down to Tullamarine, ready for an early Friday morning flight to the Gold Coast.  Matt was competing for the Australian Triathlon team, in the under 25 age group, on Sunday.

Friday 14/9 pm:  5.64 km - 4:52 average pace - 4:45 fastest km
Saturday 15/9 am:  2.31 km - 4:45 average pace - 4:37 fastest km
Saturday 15/9 Main Beach parkrun: 18:56 - 3:41, 3:50, 3:57, 3:45, 3:48 - 10th
We ran parkrun at Main Beach on the Gold Coast this week.  I started well but really struggled to maintain form.  I later found that we had run in 99% humidity so, in retrospect, was pretty happy to be able to get the pace back up later in the run.

Sunday 16/9 pm:  6.27 km - 4:48 average pace - 4:35 fastest km

Monday September 17th to Sunday September 23rd
Heather and I flew back on an early flight on Monday morning, so there was no time for a run before we left Main Beach.

Monday 17/9 pm:  8.14 km - 4:33 average pace - 4:14 fastest km - 150 m intervals
.... 1st set - ave pace 150 m: 3:06, 3:06, 3:01, 3:09, 3:07
....2nd set - ave pace 150 m: 2:55, 3:09, 3:08, 2:59, 3:05
.... 3rd set - ave pace 150 m: 3:01, 3:15, 3:09, 3:01, 3:02

After a weekend of just battling a sore body on the more humid Gold Coast I went out tonight and all felt great.  The wart on the bottom of my foot was terrible all week, recovering from the latest dry-icing.  I filed off the scab before the run and also rubbed heat into my left hip.  During the weekend my right knee felt loose at times and I have had a real sore spot on the right hip - a sign that my knee has been out of place and has gone back to where it should be.  All felt good while running though.

Tuesday 18/9 am:  10.03 km - 4:35 average pace - 4:11 fastest km - stairway intervals
..... last 400 of each set (ave):  4:15, 4:03, 4:03, 4:05, 4:03

Wednesday 19/9 am:  Mona - 7.15 km & 5.02 km (20 mins) - 4:12 average pace
...... 3:43, 3:29 / 3:25, 3:37, 3:35, 3:46 / 3:33, 3:32, 3:45, 3:30 / 3:22, 3:30, 3:30, 3:33

During the longer run on Tuesday I had a little bit of soreness in the right hamstring so, after running I rubbed heat into it and then did my weights and boxing program and then iced it.

On Wednesday I woke with a stiff back and rubbed heat into it before heading to the Guide Park where I stretched thoroughly.  After a slowish start I was running quite well but then the right hamstring really tightened quickly in the third 60, just after turning.  I stopped and stretched it at Lower Powlett road and then set off again.  The final 60 was a bit subdued but then the speed returned with the 30s and 15s and it settled down - although I was still aware of it.  At home I rubbed in heat and then iced it, this time with compression.  I am hopeful that it is just cramping.

Thursday was a rest day.  I was ok when I got up but the lower back really stiffened in the cold morning air and I walked around feeling like a cripple all day.  After getting home from footy training and eating dinner I had a soak in a hot bath before bed.

Friday Sep 21st: 86.8 kg

Friday 21/9 am:  5.17 km - 4:45 average pace - 4:17 fastest km

I woke feeling much more free on Friday morning.  While in bed I got the massage tool (a piece of dowel with a T handle) and worked into my right hip.  I found a sore spot right under the buttocks and gave it a few deep massages.  I stretched and the back stayed ok.  I started the run slowly but was able to build to some good speed when into it.

200th parkrun - Saturday September 22nd at Inverloch
My very first parkrun was over five years ago at Canning River in Perth.  Since then I have run in every state and territory except the ACT.  I have been tracking at around 50 per year for the past few years, running my 100th just on 2 years ago.

I got out to parkrun early, as usual, to run my warm up.  In the parkrun I went out easily, letting a young bloke get a bit of a lead.  With a run on Sunday I didn't want a real hard run.  I slowly built it up, getting to 1st place about half way through.  I pushed for the last kilometre with a fast finish.
Saturday 22/9 am:  3.30 km - 4:42 average pace - 4:24 fastest km
Saturday 22/9 Inverloch parkrun: 19:07 - 3:56, 3:54, 3:50, 3:48, 3:42 - 1st

After parkrun we headed over to Morwell as i was involved in the coaching of both the Leongatha reserves and seniors football teams.  It was a great day - with two premierships.

Sunday 23/9 am:  2.55 km - 4:32 average pace - 4:21 fastest km
Sunday 23/9 am:  3.07 km - 3:38 average pace - 3:35 fastest km - VCCL race
......... km splits:  3:35, 3:40, 3:40 - 10:55 - 3000 metres
Sunday 23/9 am:  3.00 km - 4:48 average pace - 4:46 fastest km

On Sunday we were up early again to drive the 90 minutes to Westerfolds for the last race of the VCCL season.  It was a 3km cross country run with a staggered start.  I caught the two in front of me pretty early but the group behind me caught me about one kilometre in.  I finished the race in 10th place, pretty much the same position that I started, and was the seventh fastest run on the day.  I won $10 for being the first unplaced first year runner.

At the presentations afterwards I was presented with a sash for being the over 50 club champion.  It came as a bit of a surprise but a really pleasant one.  I won $210 for the season.

Monday September 24th to Sunday September 30th
Monday 24/9 am:  6.64 km - 4:49 average pace - 4:34 fastest km
Monday 24/9 pm:  7.27 km - 4:22 average pace - 3:53 fastest km - 250 m intervals
.... 1st set - ave pace 250 m: 3:12, 3:24, 3:16, 3:32, 3:08
....2nd set - ave pace 250 m: 3:28, 3:36, 3:12, 3:40, 3:08
.... 3rd set - ave pace 250 m: 3:24, 3:28

Tuesday 25/9 am:  14.01 km - 4:15 average pace - 3:55 fastest km

Tuesday 25/9 am:  1.03 km cool down - 5:02 pace.

On Tuesday morning I drove out to the Guide Park and stretched before setting off on the Harmers Haven / Cape road course.  I had set myself to run this course at pace for some time now - my long run leading into the half marathon.  I didn't want it to be a slog though.  I really wanted to run it at pace.  I was, perhaps unrealistically, looking for four minute pace but in retrospect I am more than happy with what I ran today, covering the 14 km in 59:39, especially given that it was the third run in a set of three and a lot is on gravel.  I stretched extensively after the run.  Now we see how I pull up from it.

Wednesday 26/9 am:  Mona - 7.12 km & 5.03 km (20 mins) - 4:13 average pace
...... 3:41, 3:18 / 3:35, 3:27, 3:30, 3:37 / 3:31, 3:31, 3:38, 3:35 / 3:35, 3:37, 3:40, 3:44

No improvement in this week's Mona Fartlek, running most of it with heavy legs.  On the surface it was pretty much the same as last week.  Looking closer, however, I was slower in the intervals and faster in the "rests".

Wednesday 26/9 pm:  5.47 km - 4:57 average pace - 4:53 fastest km

Thursday Sep 27th: 86.9 kg

I have pretty much decided not to go radical on the weight at the moment.  I am happy to keep it on until the half marathon and train with the extra weight for now.  Then, closer to the events I will cut down a kilo or so and get the benefits then.

Thursday 27/9 am:  6.63 km - 4:54 average pace - 4:37 fastest km
Friday 28/9 am:  3.8 km - 4:35 average pace - 4:32 fastest km - three 400s
......... 400 intervals:  3:28, 3:28, 3:28 (all 83 seconds)

Saturday 29/9 am:  3.21 km - 4:53 average pace - 4:34 fastest km

Saturday 29/9 Inverloch parkrun: 19:39 - 3:41, 3:58, 4:13, 3:43, 4:01 - 5th
........ modified Yasso 800/700 intervals - 3:24, 3:34, 3:29, (3:31 last 500)
I ran a modified Yasso run at parkrun on Saturday morning, running 800 metre intervals and a 700 metre rest.  I went out pretty quick but really fatigued towards the end of the first interval.  Happy to get back under 3:30 pace for the third but this one was real hard work and not helped on top of the big workload this week.

Sunday 30/9 am:  3.04 km - 4:36 average pace - 4:13 fastest km (warm up)
Sunday 30/9 am:  5.03 km - 3:45 average pace - 3:42 fastest km
....... WRR handicap splits:  3:45, 3:43, 3:47, 3:47, 3:42
After an afternoon of junk food and soft drink on AFL grand final day I wasn't really expecting much in the last Road Runners handicap race of the season.  In the warm up I started stiffly but loosened up really quickly.  I could actually feel the speed increase as the body loosened.  I surprised myself with the way my body felt so decided to go for it in the race.  I was pretty happy to get each kilometre within a five second gap.  The third and fourth - my slowest - were into a breeze.  I came 7th, running an 18:50.

I was fifth in the series of six races on the five kilometre foreshore course.

Sunday 30/9 pm:  4.51 km - 4:54 average pace - 4:45 fastest km

Monday October 1st to Sunday October 7th
Monday 1/10 am:  5.22 km - 4:55 average pace - 4:35 fastest km

It was a quick trip out to the Heathlands on Monday morning for a short run before we headed off to Echuca for the week.  I really enjoy the Heathlands and Desal runs (my Sunday pm run), when I get to just run with no other people around.  It is just me and the kangaroos and all the other wildlife.  This morning, lying in bed, I could hear the roar of the ocean across the town.  Out at the Heathlands it was so much louder.  I ran to Cutlers and checked out the magnificent coastline.  The ocean was smooth with the waves breaking real close to shore.

Monday 1/10 pm:  5.19 km - 4:28 average pace - 4:12 fastest km (Echuca)

...... 200m intervals (ave pace):  3:50, 3:45, 3:40, 3:40, 3:30, 3:40, 3:20, 3:55

Tuesday 2/10 am:  10.28 km - 4:40 average pace - 4:02 fastest km (46:43 - Echuca)

Wednesday 3/10 am:  Mona - 7.09 km & 5.00 km (20 mins) - 4:14 average pace
...... 3:44, 3:30 / 3:26, 3:28, 3:32, 3:37 / 3:31, 3:27, 3:24, 3:27 / 3:20, 3:24, 3:27, 3:40

Wednesday 3/10 pm:  5.20 km - 4:55 average pace - 4:29 fastest km (Echuca)
Thursday 4/10 am:  10.23 km - 4:28 average pace - kilometre intervals
...... intervals average pace:  3:56, 3:49, 3:50, 3:48

Friday 5/10 am:  5.80 km - 4:47 average pace - 4:27 fastest km (Echuca)

My body is starting to feel a bit of wear as today was my 15th straight day of running.  The legs feel ok - just weary / heavy but the back and hip area has been stiffening again (knee related) on the right side.  I pulled up from the Friday run with a slightly sore hip.  Later we drove to Kyabram and all was ok but after getting out of the car on the trip home I pulled up real sore / stiff in the lower back.  I lay down for a while and it settled.

Saturday 6/10 am:  3.64 km - 4:53 average pace - 4:41 fastest km
Saturday 6/10 Echuca parkrun: 19:19 - 3:54, 3:56, 3:54, 3:50, 3:43 - 6th

I went out at half marathon race pace for parkrun in Echuca and held good pace for the first three kilometers.  I did pick it up on the run home and ahd a fast last kilometre.  Race pace felt good though - nice and comfortable.

Saturday 6/10 am:  1.36 km (cool down) - 4:56 average pace (Echuca)
Sunday 7/10 am:  6.13 km - 4:50 average pace - 4:24 fastest km

Monday October 8th to Saturday October 13th
Monday 8/10 am:  5.06 km - 4:54 average pace - 4:44 fastest km
Monday 8/10 pm:  4.06 km - 4:40 average pace - 4:27 fastest km - intervals
...... 170 m intervals (ave pace):  4:26, 3:42, 3:42, 3:20

Tuesday 9/10 am:  6.01 km - 4:36 average pace - 4:16 fastest km

Wednesday 10/10 am:  Mona - 7.38 km & 5.24 km (20 mins) - 4:04 average pace
...... 3:33, 3:23 / 3:18, 3:26, 3:22, 3:32 / 3:21, 3:24, 3:34, 3:25 / 3:23, 3:28, 3:31, 3:29

On Wednesday morning I got up and just felt good.  I did use heat on the hip and lower back, but more out of habit than anything else.  I stretched at the Guide Park and then set off with a real positive frame of mind.  When I got to the first interval I really focused on running form and covered 420 metres at 3:33 pace.  I smashed out 440 m in the next interval and was running well, with not a real loss of pace in the rests.  This week I covered an extra 300 metres in the full run and about 240 of that in the actual 20 minutes of the Mona.  It has to be acknowledged that the past three Mona's have been under fatigue and today I felt real fresh after a couple of easier days.

That ends TWENTY ONE straight days of running!!!  My last rest day was on September 20th.  In that time I have run 182.9 km in 34 individual runs.  That is about 13 hours and 45 minutes of running and I have averaged 4:30 pace.  I have to be happy with that solid piece of work.  It should set me up for a great Spring / Summer of fast running.

Friday Oct 12th: 86.8 kg

Friday 12/10 am:  7.54 km - 4:33 average pace - 3:52 fastest km

My final hitout before the half was a beauty.  The body feels fresh, although I did stop and re-stretch the right ankle about a kilometre in.  I picked up speed with ease and finished off with a 3:52 and some real fluent speed.

Like Thursday, Saturday was another day off - to freshen up for the half at Melbourne Marathon.  I feel ready, the body is fresh and I have done the work.  The goal is to run a controlled (just) sub 4 minute pace and to try and hod that for the full race.

In the past 15 months, since the 2017 Gold Coast half, the furthest I have run is 14.5 km.  I have avoided the slog runs that I have done in the past, running this one on the back of a whole lot of interval / speed work.  I got the idea at the Great Train Race where I had a whole heap of energy at the end of the 13.5 km there.

Saturday started at parkrun, volunteering as the barcode scanner.  At lunchtime we headed to the city, having lunch at the Tooradin bakery.  Then it was off to the marathon festival on the MCG concourse before heading to our accommodation.  We met up with some other Wonthaggi Road Runners for dinner at 14 Bridge Street, an excellent Italian restaurant.  I loaded up with a large plate of lasagne.

Sunday October 14th - Melbourne Marathon festival - Half Marathon
I had a good nights sleep and was up early to head off to the MCG.  I walked across to put my bag in the baggage drop, catching up with a few people on the way.

Warm up:  3.03 km - 4:34 average pace - 4;09 fastest km

I got near the front for the start of the race and had a good start up the hill to Flinders street.  I ran wide in Flinders street, by passing the traffic.  I was totally in control of my running sitting just under 4 minute pace, as I wanted to.  Breathing was good and was running within myself, running to plan.  Running down St. Kilda road I was quite relaxed, interacting with the camera man on the back of a motorbike.

First 7 km:  3:55, 3:56, 3:53, 3:56, 3:57, 3:56, 3:51

That took me to the southern end of Albert Park lake where the conditions started to have an effect.  I did react a little to the fast seventh kilometre by pulling it back a bit.  Around the lake we were into the wind that was really picking up.  We were also in full sunlight and it was starting to heat up at 8:30 am.  I was starting to work a bit more around the lake.  My 10 km split was a 19:17.

Mid 7 km:  4:00, 3:55, 3:58, 3:57, 3:56, 4:04, 4:08

I had run the perfect first twelve kilometres and was averaging around 3:56 pace.  The 12th was the little bit near the grand prix pits and we got to see the slower half marathoners on the other side of this out and back stretch.  I slowed a bit in the thirteenth, trying to see slower half marathoners as they were starting around the lake.  But, try as i might, I just couldn't get myself back down to sub four pace.  The body was hurting and running was becoming a bit of a chore.  I got through 15 km in 59:36, my second fastest 15 km ever but I was really slowing at this point, heading up St. Kilda road.  

Last 7 km:  4:14, 4:16, 4:22, 4:17, 4:35, 4:18, 4:32.

 My pace became quite erratic in the last third of the run.  I was battling all the way, trying to keep the pace up.  The nineteenth, around under the Arts Centre was a sow one but then I got some pace back as I ran through Birrurung Marr.  Then the foot bridge just wiped me out.  I knew what i wanted to do up there, and down the other side, but my legs were jelly.  The crowd in the 'G got me going and I finally found some sub 4 pace again.
I crossed the line with 1:27:23 on the clock, with my net time a 1:12:17.  This was a new half marathon PB.  While the last 8 km were disappointing and the running hard work I have to be happy with the PB.  Back in the stadium it turned out that pretty much all runners missed their goal time by quite a bit (except Kate who just smashed the marathon with a ten minute PB).  The conditions were quite brutal, warm and windy.  In retrospect I should have run with a cap on, but we live and learn.

If all had went well today I would have started thinking about running a marathon with a similar training regime.  I didn't so I will now get onto the speed development and possibly have another go at the half at Melbourne next year.  If I do then i will probably have my spell a bit earlier too.

I have pulled up from this run much better than I did the 10km at Gold Coast - a good sign that the body is getting stronger.