Monday December 8th to Sunday December 14th
After some hard running on the weekend I went for a short lunch run on Monday with a work colleague and ended up pushing pretty hard. We averaged a tick over 4:30 pace with the end of the run a bit faster than the start. We covered 5.2 kn in 23:48.
The aim for December is to push towards the 300 km mark. With that in mind I set myself for some longer slower runs during the week to build the kilometers and let my body recover.
I was up early on Tuesday morning for a 10 km run (10.2 km). I set off quite slowly and by the third kilometer was down to the low 5s. I only broke the 5 minute mark for the 8th kilometer (4:58) and finished averaging 5:09 per kilometer. I have a little soreness with a sore spot between the achilles and calf on my right leg and my left quad is still a little sore. At the end of the run they all felt pretty good.
Another early start on Wednesday morning saw me setting off on my 13 km course. Again I started slowly and I tried to settle in the mid 4:50s but struggled to find my range. My pace was up and down for the first 6 km and then settled on a comfortable pace for the run home. Again I had the sore spots and at the end of the run I rubbed deep heat into the sore spots before my shower. I covered 13.4 km in the run at an average pace of 4:58.
The aim on Thursday was to cover about 12 km and take the weekly total (since Monday) up to 40 km. I set of on my 10 km course with the view to extend it by going up the Cameron street hill. I felt sore before I started but felt good after warming up. The plan was for a steady run just a bit quicker than on Wednesday. I was down into the 4:40s by the third kilometer and was feeling pretty good.I hit the 4:30s in the ninth kilometer and was running very comfortably. A slight downhill section with the wind saw me running very smoothly and my body was feeling great. I hit the 4:20s in the eleventh kilometer and finished the twelfth kilometer quite quickly before easing back up the home hill. I covered 12.5 km in just under 60 minutes with an average pace of 4:46.
Friday was a day off work and a day off running. We set off in the car to visit our daughter in Taggarty and to stay over night.
On Saturday morning I missed my first ever Inverloch parkrun but I got to run in new surrounds at Thornton. I set off on the Back Eildon road, crossing the Goulburn river and running along the road, sometimes beside it. I ran down to a point where there was a roadside reserve beside the river (about 6.5 km) and then turned back to Thornton. After warming up I ran the outward section in the high 4:40s then slightly picked up the pace after turning. The views were quite spectacular with the river and then hills beyond it on one side and hills on the other. In the ninth and tenth kilometers I hit sub 4:30 pace and the eleventh kilometer, back into Thornton, was at 4:11 pace. I kept going through to their footy ground and put in a couple of fast laps at sub 4 minute pace. Fore the entire 12.5 km run I averaged 4:37 pace.
Sunday was my long run and I had earmarked it to have a go at the 25 km course again. Last time I ran a little too fast and pulled up sore - I still have the soreness in my left hip/thigh area - so I was determined to run at around 5 minute pace. After warming up I found myself in the high 4:50s and was comfortable with that. I ran pretty consistently. After 10 km I ate a gel and then shortly after that picked up a small staminade that I had put out earlier and drank that. I avoided the temptation to push up Cameron street and ran quite nicely out to Harmers Haven. After turning to the east, like last time, the run gets hard. The sea breeze disappears and the road is movable gravel. I lost concentration there and put in a slow kilometer. I was able to get it back to the high 4:50s though pretty quickly. I hit the Cape Paterson road with about 4.5 km to go and the pace quickened slightly now that I was back on bitumen. As I turned into town I was running nicely and was surprised to see that I was running at 4:41 pace. I pulled it back a little and pushed up the back of the Bilson street hill. Going down the other side I avoided the desire to go fast - that is where I really came unstuck last time. The last three kilometers were a little faster but not out of control. I ran the 25.1 km in 2:04:15, averaging a comfortable 4:57 pace. My left thigh was sore at times and towards the end my ankles felt a little sore but otherwise I pulled up very well. I went straight out to the beach though and found a nice rockpool to soak in to cool my body down.
Monday December 15th to Sunday December 21st
I got up early on Monday morning and set out on a run through the town. I started pretty slowly and slowly built up speed. I ran through the wetlands and then up Cameron street and across to Bilson street. I returned along the eastern rail trail. I ran the first 7 km quite steadily and then started to lift the pace, getting into the 4:40s and then into the 4:30s for the last two kilometers. I covered 12.5 km in just over an hour, averaging 4:51 pace. This run took me to 50 km in three days.
I ran at lunchtime with Gemma and Jo from work on Tuesday. It was sunny and warm when we ran but I was feeling comfortable. My left thigh and right calf were both feeling good. We ran together for 5 km and then I went my own way when they turned back to school. We had been running in the 4:50s and after separating I lifted my pace to the 4:30s. I ran from Cameron street to the eastern rail trail and then around North Wonthaggi. I hit the 4:20s along White road and finished with a 4:20. I ran 12.3 km averaging 4:43 pace but the run took a lot out of me. In addition my head was slightly sunburnt as I ran without my cap.
Wednesday was my rest day as we were off to Melbourne for Matt's graduation.
A quick look ahead to the weekend and I realised that I was going to be a little light on for running over the weekend so I set myself for the 15 km course on Thursday morning. I have been doing a lot of slower running lately and I wanted to be setup for Saturdays parkrun so I made this run an interval run but didn't start the first interval until 17 minutes in. After the extended warm-up I ran my first 3 minute interval, hitting the mid 3:40s. From there on it was 7 minutes easy and 3 minutes hard with my pace not getting any quicker than the 4:40s. In all I fit in 5 intervals plus I had a final push near the end on the run. I covered the 15.2 km in 1:08:38 (4:32 pace) and pulled up quite well.
The last Friday at work each year (some) staff gather at Webb Shed for an annual run in memory of one of the original last day runners - Rod Hooke. I ran across the 3 km from Dudley to McBride and then three of us ran the original long (5 plus km), around through the Dudley campus. I ran pretty easily with the other two and then stopped back at Webb Shed to see Heather come in. I then ran back to Dudley, via North Wonthaggi, running the final 4 km at just over 4 minute pace. In all I ran 13.3 km in just over an hour, averaging 4:41 pace.
Saturday morning was my first parkrun in two weeks and I led from the front after it all settled down. I felt a little flat and, after a blistering first kilometer, eased back a bit too much. I ran most of it in around 4:45 pace and got back to the finish line in 18:40, 22 seconds slower than my best. I did get my third first place token though. After a quick toilet break I set off to continue my run along Surf Parade. I ran out easily and then raced home, chasing a run segment (which I didn't really think I could get). My ninth kilometer was run at 3:34 pace and I successfully claimed the course record for the segment. I ran 9.3 km in 37:33 all up.
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My 2014 running shoes |
I have now run 211 km for the month and ran 75 km this week with no run longer than 15 km. My ten run moving average has hit 14 km for the first time ever.
Monday December 22nd to Sunday December 28th
We spent Sunday night in Thornton and I mapped out a nice run into Eildon and back along the Back Eildon Road. It was a half marathon distance (plus) so I ate some fruit before setting off. I was keen to run at a nice pace - while still enjoying the views - and, after the first three kilometers, settled into a nice pace in the low to mid 4:40s. I was pretty steady until the nineteenth kilometer when I started to pick up the pace a little. My 20th kilometer was 4:30, then I finished with a 4:22 and a 4:16 - quite a strong finish to a nice run in warm conditions. I pulled up quite well from it too.
I took a day off from running on Tuesday and then went out to run my Pythagoras Strava segment on Wednesday morning. I drove to Mitre 10 at the top of Bilson Street and started running out on the Cape Paterson road. I took it easy warming up in the first 2 km and then lifted the pace into the 4:30s. From there I slowly accelerated through the run and peaked with a 4:08 in the 11th kilometer. I eased back slightly towards the end and completed the 13.5 km run in just over the hour, averaging 4:31 pace.
We held a special parkrun on Christmas day so that was my Christmas run - 5 km at Inverloch. Matt was down and ran it seriously so I was all set to run for second place. I started well but my pace slowly deteriorated. I ran it in 18:40, averaging 3:43 pace but I finished more than a minute behind Matt. This run took me past the 250 km mark for December.
I set myself for a fast 15 plus km run for Boxing Day. Earlier in the year I had set a goal of 65 minutes for my 15 km course and last week, in an interval run, I wasn't far outside of it. With the goal expiring at the end of the month I decided to run it down today. I started with an extensive warm up, which included 950 metres of running plus lots of stretching. After the excess of Christmas I had a lot, a real LOT, of sugar in my system so it was going to be a challenge to maintain the pace. After the warmup I set off nice and quickly and was straight into the low 4:10s. The goal was then to maintain that pace. Averaging anything under 4:20 pace would achieve the goal. I pushed hard right through the run and extended the gap (under 4:20 pace) every kilometre bar one - the 7th kilometre (uphill) was run in 4:20 exactly. I ran 10 km in 43:10 - and that included the slower warm-up. I completed the 15km segment in 1:03:33, well under my goal, and then completed 16.1 km in 69 minutes with my average time (including the warm-up) at 4:17.
This week I was Run Director at parkrun so I decided that I would have a day off from running. Later in the afternoon I cycled 30 km with Heather instead.
After starting the week with a half marathon at Eildon I decided to also finish with one this week. I met up with Bill Barry at the Guide Park in Wonthaggi and we set off on the West Creek road course. Our pace was a little bit up and down early. When it settled we were probably around 4:50 pace. The run along West Creek road was nice with the excellent views and the breeze in our face but the run back into town was hot and hard at times. It was a good run though and I've pulled up well from it. We covered the 21.6 km in 1:45:49, averaging 4:53 pace. I went out to the beach to soak in cool water straight after the run. Now, after running two half marathons in the one week I'm thinking that I might try two (or three) on consecutive days later in January.
Monday December 29th to Sunday January 4th
With only 11 km to run to achieve my goal of 300 km in December I went for a quicker shorter run on Monday morning. I warmed up solidly and set off well running the warm up kilometer in 4:21, lifting the pace towards the end of it. I got up to 4:04 for the second and then ran the third and fourth kilometers in 3:39 and 3:55. I consolidated for the fifth, running it in 3:56 and then slowed a little up the home hill to run the sixth in 4:02. I covered the 6 km averaging 3:59 pace.
We had a big change in the weather during Monday so Tuesday's run was a tough one in the strong winds. After a warm up kilometer I settled into a pace around the 4:30 mark. I pretty much held it there to run 10.3 km in 47:08. My right calf and left hip are still a little sore. I'm not limited by them but they are annoying.
After reaching the 300 km mark in a month for the first time I took a rest day on New Years Eve.
In 2014 I have run 2832 km, taking 218 hours to do so. I have run distances of 10 km or more 139 times and have covered the half marathon distance ten times.
I have really increased my distances covered during the year and, at the same time, have kept my speeds consistent. In 2015 I will be working towards the marathon in October.
On New Years day we had an extraordinary parkrun which I was Run Director for. I went out early and had my run before setting up. I ran 10.5 km around Inverloch, mostly along the foreshore. I ran hard for a couple of segments and steady for the rest, averaging 4:19 pace.
It really heated up late on Thursday and into Friday when Heather and were due to run at the Phillip Island race track in a twilight run. It was very hot when we got there but I got through a nice warm up ok. At the briefing they announced that we wouldn't be running the track because of the heat. Instead they had a 2.5 km out and back course, mainly along pit lane and up the steep hill that we should have been going down. That was very disappointing. The run started and I ran the first kilometre solidly in 3:45. The second kilometre, up the hill, was run in 3:56 and the third was 4:10. The heat, and repetitiveness, was taking its toll. The 4th kilometre was run in 4:21 and at that point I decided to pull the pin at 5 km. I finished with a 4:33 to run the 5 km in a slow 20:48. That left me a bit short on my distances this week.
It was probably a good idea to pull out as I recovered enough to run at parkrun the next morning. I forgot my Garmin. Matt was running easily, with a few efforts, so I decided to run with him and use his run file. We ran mostly around, or just above, 4 minute pace with two mid race efforts and another at the end. I kept up and we crossed the line together in 19:53.
With less than 40 km run for the week I was keen for a long run on Sunday. I had arranged to run with Tony O'Connell and a visitor who is staying at Cape Paterson. We started in Cape and ran around the coast. We ran 6km out past Eagles Nest and back. We ran at low to mid 5 minute pace. When we got back I ran another 4 km at a much quicker pace. In all I ran 16.4 km running at an average of 5:02 pace.
Monday January 5th to Saturday January 10th
The ache in my left hip is still hanging around and I felt it at the end of my run on Sunday. On Monday I set myself for a long slow run, heading out on my 15 km course and extending it up Cameron Street and around the southern end of town. The hip ache was back again for the second half of the run. It is not debilatating but it is just there. I am still working through the soreness just below my right calf muscle as well. That one disappears when I am warmed up. I generally ran in the 4:50s, covering the 17.8 km in 1:27:24.
I wanted another longer run on Tuesday, aiming to set up a big week with bulk running early and then easing into Two Bays with a day off and a couple of easier days. I'm starting to run out of interesting running ideas around the town so decided to just run up and down streets in the town to build up the k's today. Running in the high 4;40s and low 4:50s I spent the first 3 to 4 km in North Wonthaggi then ran to the south side of town and covered a few streets over there. I ran 15.4 km in 1:14:33, averaging 4:51 pace. Today my hip pain was quite significant towards the end of the run. Turning, pushing uphill or downhill all caused a minor jolt of pain. As soon as I got home I iced it and I iced it again around lunchtime. Later I soaked it in a warm rockpool on the coast. Later in the evening I put a heat pack on it and then followed up with an ice pack.
On Wednesday I got up earlier to get in a golf course run. I had to run past a couple teeing off on the 1st and the green keepers were out as I ran the back nine. I found myself running faster today and my left hip felt quite good. I kept waiting for the pain to kick in and it never really did. My right calf took forever to warm up though. I ran 12.2 km in 57:25, averaging 4:42 pace for the run. I was pretty happy with that effort leading into a rest day. As soon as I got home I iced the left hip again.
I spent a fair bit of time Wednesday night / Thursday / Thursday night giving the hip ice and heat treatment and I also went for a cycle on Thursday to give it some low impact work.
On Friday I did an extensive warm up and then set off on a shortish town run. The hip was feeling of but it did pull slightly about 5 km into the run. I was down to sub 4:40 pace by the third kilometer and was able to keep up that pace quite comfortably. I was sub 4:30 for the 8th, 9th and 10th kilometers and then eased back a little for the 11th, especially on the home hill. The hip generally felt ok, although I was very aware of it. I iced it immediately after the run and later mixed up the treatments between heat and ice. I also got in another cycle.
With Two Bays on Sunday I went into the parkrun planning to take it easy and just see what happens. I wanted to get through without really pushing the body. I took it easy at the start and let all the sprinters go. About three quarters of the way through the first kilometer I had rounded up the early speedsters and was at the back of the pack. It was a bit slow so I just put the foot down and took over the lead. The first kilometre was an easy 3:52 and the second dropped back to 3:59. Bill Barry was on my tail but the others dropped away as I sped up for the third, putting in s 3:51. I slowed again for the fourth with a 3:58 and then finished off with a 3:50 to complete the parkrun in 19 and a half minutes - more than a minute behind my PB. Apart from a bit of sweat I got out of the run quite well. I was aware of the hip but any pain diminished as the run progressed and it got hot. I iced it when I got home. I have covered 61 km for the week so far but am well prepared for a big run tomorrow.
Two Bays Trail Run - Sunday 11th January
We stayed near Mornington on Saturday night so it was only a short drive to the start line. I decided to run with my backpack and water - probably a good decision in the end. The weight of the pack was not really an issue and I had water at hand whenever I wanted it.
I was not far from the front on the start line but the front liners did get a good jump on me. After getting clear of the crowd I was at the foot of the first hill and just got into a good stride and settled. My first kilometre was a fast 4:28 but it slowed when we entered the trail and the hill got steeper. I was prepared to walk a lot in the first 3 km do I was very happy with a 5:42 second k. The steepest part was in the third kilometre and there was a fair bit of walking there (8:12). In the first three kilometres there was a 255m climb.
Running across the top I settled into a pace around 5 minutes per km and then we started going down. That was almost as hard as going up, running down with the brakes on. Mt 7th kilometre was 4:12. We flattened out again there and had the first aid station come up. I grabbed a gel and ate it. It was disgusting so I washed it down, all while on the run. The pace slowed to the mid to high 5s as we went over the next hill - another 120m of climbing but this time over about a 5km range.
I was really searching for the halfway mark and when it came we were on a downhill and I found myself running quite nicely again. There was a bit of a climb up to the final aid station at the 22 km mark and I found myself walking there. I ran through the station, grabbed a couple of snakes and said hello to Les but then found myself running up a sand dune so slowed to a walk again.
Over the top and we were back into some downhill. I found myself running completely alone. It appears that a lot stop for a break at the final aid station. I was hoping I hadn't taken a wrong turn but then saw the 23 km marker. On the downhill I had a group of runners come up behind me and overtake but I got most of them again on an uphill not far on. I suspect they were freshened from a break.
I got to the stairway to heaven and walked up the seemingly endless stairs. Three kilometres to go so it was time to pick up the pace and chase down that sub 2.5 hour result. There were a couple of hills that I walked up but got myself running straight away again. The lighthouse gave hope and then there were some spectators. Around a corner and there was that finish line with 2:27 showing on the time clock. I crossed the line in 2:27:34 and collected a can of coke, a sports drink and an apple.
My feet were sore but I resisted taking my shoes off. I felt a blister on my second right tow about 14km in and my big toenails were sore from sliding around inside my runners on the downhills. Later, when I did take them off, it wasn't too bad. My left foot escaped any damage. I had a blister on the second toe of my right foor and a blood blister - under the tape - on the ball of my right foot. My right toenail was very sore with some bleeding under it. My hip came out of the run quite good - a little stiff. After cooling down overnight both of my quads really stiffened up.
In all I am very happy to have run Two Bays. Running for two and a half hours is my longest yet and this run will prepare me well for the thirty kilometre run that I plan to do in the very near future. As for Trail running I am not yet won over. I would prefer to run on the road any time. Running up and down hills is not an issue but doing it on a rough trail is not something that I enjoyed. Not sure if I'll run it again but very happy that I did.
Monday December 22nd to Sunday December 28th
We spent Sunday night in Thornton and I mapped out a nice run into Eildon and back along the Back Eildon Road. It was a half marathon distance (plus) so I ate some fruit before setting off. I was keen to run at a nice pace - while still enjoying the views - and, after the first three kilometers, settled into a nice pace in the low to mid 4:40s. I was pretty steady until the nineteenth kilometer when I started to pick up the pace a little. My 20th kilometer was 4:30, then I finished with a 4:22 and a 4:16 - quite a strong finish to a nice run in warm conditions. I pulled up quite well from it too.
I took a day off from running on Tuesday and then went out to run my Pythagoras Strava segment on Wednesday morning. I drove to Mitre 10 at the top of Bilson Street and started running out on the Cape Paterson road. I took it easy warming up in the first 2 km and then lifted the pace into the 4:30s. From there I slowly accelerated through the run and peaked with a 4:08 in the 11th kilometer. I eased back slightly towards the end and completed the 13.5 km run in just over the hour, averaging 4:31 pace.
We held a special parkrun on Christmas day so that was my Christmas run - 5 km at Inverloch. Matt was down and ran it seriously so I was all set to run for second place. I started well but my pace slowly deteriorated. I ran it in 18:40, averaging 3:43 pace but I finished more than a minute behind Matt. This run took me past the 250 km mark for December.
I set myself for a fast 15 plus km run for Boxing Day. Earlier in the year I had set a goal of 65 minutes for my 15 km course and last week, in an interval run, I wasn't far outside of it. With the goal expiring at the end of the month I decided to run it down today. I started with an extensive warm up, which included 950 metres of running plus lots of stretching. After the excess of Christmas I had a lot, a real LOT, of sugar in my system so it was going to be a challenge to maintain the pace. After the warmup I set off nice and quickly and was straight into the low 4:10s. The goal was then to maintain that pace. Averaging anything under 4:20 pace would achieve the goal. I pushed hard right through the run and extended the gap (under 4:20 pace) every kilometre bar one - the 7th kilometre (uphill) was run in 4:20 exactly. I ran 10 km in 43:10 - and that included the slower warm-up. I completed the 15km segment in 1:03:33, well under my goal, and then completed 16.1 km in 69 minutes with my average time (including the warm-up) at 4:17.
This week I was Run Director at parkrun so I decided that I would have a day off from running. Later in the afternoon I cycled 30 km with Heather instead.
After starting the week with a half marathon at Eildon I decided to also finish with one this week. I met up with Bill Barry at the Guide Park in Wonthaggi and we set off on the West Creek road course. Our pace was a little bit up and down early. When it settled we were probably around 4:50 pace. The run along West Creek road was nice with the excellent views and the breeze in our face but the run back into town was hot and hard at times. It was a good run though and I've pulled up well from it. We covered the 21.6 km in 1:45:49, averaging 4:53 pace. I went out to the beach to soak in cool water straight after the run. Now, after running two half marathons in the one week I'm thinking that I might try two (or three) on consecutive days later in January.
Monday December 29th to Sunday January 4th
With only 11 km to run to achieve my goal of 300 km in December I went for a quicker shorter run on Monday morning. I warmed up solidly and set off well running the warm up kilometer in 4:21, lifting the pace towards the end of it. I got up to 4:04 for the second and then ran the third and fourth kilometers in 3:39 and 3:55. I consolidated for the fifth, running it in 3:56 and then slowed a little up the home hill to run the sixth in 4:02. I covered the 6 km averaging 3:59 pace.
We had a big change in the weather during Monday so Tuesday's run was a tough one in the strong winds. After a warm up kilometer I settled into a pace around the 4:30 mark. I pretty much held it there to run 10.3 km in 47:08. My right calf and left hip are still a little sore. I'm not limited by them but they are annoying.
After reaching the 300 km mark in a month for the first time I took a rest day on New Years Eve.
2014 Running Heatmap - Wonthaggi Area |
In 2014 I have run 2832 km, taking 218 hours to do so. I have run distances of 10 km or more 139 times and have covered the half marathon distance ten times.
I have really increased my distances covered during the year and, at the same time, have kept my speeds consistent. In 2015 I will be working towards the marathon in October.
Ten run moving average - distance covered |
Ten run moving average - speed |
It really heated up late on Thursday and into Friday when Heather and were due to run at the Phillip Island race track in a twilight run. It was very hot when we got there but I got through a nice warm up ok. At the briefing they announced that we wouldn't be running the track because of the heat. Instead they had a 2.5 km out and back course, mainly along pit lane and up the steep hill that we should have been going down. That was very disappointing. The run started and I ran the first kilometre solidly in 3:45. The second kilometre, up the hill, was run in 3:56 and the third was 4:10. The heat, and repetitiveness, was taking its toll. The 4th kilometre was run in 4:21 and at that point I decided to pull the pin at 5 km. I finished with a 4:33 to run the 5 km in a slow 20:48. That left me a bit short on my distances this week.
It was probably a good idea to pull out as I recovered enough to run at parkrun the next morning. I forgot my Garmin. Matt was running easily, with a few efforts, so I decided to run with him and use his run file. We ran mostly around, or just above, 4 minute pace with two mid race efforts and another at the end. I kept up and we crossed the line together in 19:53.
With less than 40 km run for the week I was keen for a long run on Sunday. I had arranged to run with Tony O'Connell and a visitor who is staying at Cape Paterson. We started in Cape and ran around the coast. We ran 6km out past Eagles Nest and back. We ran at low to mid 5 minute pace. When we got back I ran another 4 km at a much quicker pace. In all I ran 16.4 km running at an average of 5:02 pace.
Monday January 5th to Saturday January 10th
The ache in my left hip is still hanging around and I felt it at the end of my run on Sunday. On Monday I set myself for a long slow run, heading out on my 15 km course and extending it up Cameron Street and around the southern end of town. The hip ache was back again for the second half of the run. It is not debilatating but it is just there. I am still working through the soreness just below my right calf muscle as well. That one disappears when I am warmed up. I generally ran in the 4:50s, covering the 17.8 km in 1:27:24.
I wanted another longer run on Tuesday, aiming to set up a big week with bulk running early and then easing into Two Bays with a day off and a couple of easier days. I'm starting to run out of interesting running ideas around the town so decided to just run up and down streets in the town to build up the k's today. Running in the high 4;40s and low 4:50s I spent the first 3 to 4 km in North Wonthaggi then ran to the south side of town and covered a few streets over there. I ran 15.4 km in 1:14:33, averaging 4:51 pace. Today my hip pain was quite significant towards the end of the run. Turning, pushing uphill or downhill all caused a minor jolt of pain. As soon as I got home I iced it and I iced it again around lunchtime. Later I soaked it in a warm rockpool on the coast. Later in the evening I put a heat pack on it and then followed up with an ice pack.
On Wednesday I got up earlier to get in a golf course run. I had to run past a couple teeing off on the 1st and the green keepers were out as I ran the back nine. I found myself running faster today and my left hip felt quite good. I kept waiting for the pain to kick in and it never really did. My right calf took forever to warm up though. I ran 12.2 km in 57:25, averaging 4:42 pace for the run. I was pretty happy with that effort leading into a rest day. As soon as I got home I iced the left hip again.
I spent a fair bit of time Wednesday night / Thursday / Thursday night giving the hip ice and heat treatment and I also went for a cycle on Thursday to give it some low impact work.
On Friday I did an extensive warm up and then set off on a shortish town run. The hip was feeling of but it did pull slightly about 5 km into the run. I was down to sub 4:40 pace by the third kilometer and was able to keep up that pace quite comfortably. I was sub 4:30 for the 8th, 9th and 10th kilometers and then eased back a little for the 11th, especially on the home hill. The hip generally felt ok, although I was very aware of it. I iced it immediately after the run and later mixed up the treatments between heat and ice. I also got in another cycle.
With Two Bays on Sunday I went into the parkrun planning to take it easy and just see what happens. I wanted to get through without really pushing the body. I took it easy at the start and let all the sprinters go. About three quarters of the way through the first kilometer I had rounded up the early speedsters and was at the back of the pack. It was a bit slow so I just put the foot down and took over the lead. The first kilometre was an easy 3:52 and the second dropped back to 3:59. Bill Barry was on my tail but the others dropped away as I sped up for the third, putting in s 3:51. I slowed again for the fourth with a 3:58 and then finished off with a 3:50 to complete the parkrun in 19 and a half minutes - more than a minute behind my PB. Apart from a bit of sweat I got out of the run quite well. I was aware of the hip but any pain diminished as the run progressed and it got hot. I iced it when I got home. I have covered 61 km for the week so far but am well prepared for a big run tomorrow.
Two Bays Trail Run - Sunday 11th January
We stayed near Mornington on Saturday night so it was only a short drive to the start line. I decided to run with my backpack and water - probably a good decision in the end. The weight of the pack was not really an issue and I had water at hand whenever I wanted it.
I was not far from the front on the start line but the front liners did get a good jump on me. After getting clear of the crowd I was at the foot of the first hill and just got into a good stride and settled. My first kilometre was a fast 4:28 but it slowed when we entered the trail and the hill got steeper. I was prepared to walk a lot in the first 3 km do I was very happy with a 5:42 second k. The steepest part was in the third kilometre and there was a fair bit of walking there (8:12). In the first three kilometres there was a 255m climb.
Running across the top I settled into a pace around 5 minutes per km and then we started going down. That was almost as hard as going up, running down with the brakes on. Mt 7th kilometre was 4:12. We flattened out again there and had the first aid station come up. I grabbed a gel and ate it. It was disgusting so I washed it down, all while on the run. The pace slowed to the mid to high 5s as we went over the next hill - another 120m of climbing but this time over about a 5km range.
I was really searching for the halfway mark and when it came we were on a downhill and I found myself running quite nicely again. There was a bit of a climb up to the final aid station at the 22 km mark and I found myself walking there. I ran through the station, grabbed a couple of snakes and said hello to Les but then found myself running up a sand dune so slowed to a walk again.
Over the top and we were back into some downhill. I found myself running completely alone. It appears that a lot stop for a break at the final aid station. I was hoping I hadn't taken a wrong turn but then saw the 23 km marker. On the downhill I had a group of runners come up behind me and overtake but I got most of them again on an uphill not far on. I suspect they were freshened from a break.
I got to the stairway to heaven and walked up the seemingly endless stairs. Three kilometres to go so it was time to pick up the pace and chase down that sub 2.5 hour result. There were a couple of hills that I walked up but got myself running straight away again. The lighthouse gave hope and then there were some spectators. Around a corner and there was that finish line with 2:27 showing on the time clock. I crossed the line in 2:27:34 and collected a can of coke, a sports drink and an apple.
My feet were sore but I resisted taking my shoes off. I felt a blister on my second right tow about 14km in and my big toenails were sore from sliding around inside my runners on the downhills. Later, when I did take them off, it wasn't too bad. My left foot escaped any damage. I had a blister on the second toe of my right foor and a blood blister - under the tape - on the ball of my right foot. My right toenail was very sore with some bleeding under it. My hip came out of the run quite good - a little stiff. After cooling down overnight both of my quads really stiffened up.
In all I am very happy to have run Two Bays. Running for two and a half hours is my longest yet and this run will prepare me well for the thirty kilometre run that I plan to do in the very near future. As for Trail running I am not yet won over. I would prefer to run on the road any time. Running up and down hills is not an issue but doing it on a rough trail is not something that I enjoyed. Not sure if I'll run it again but very happy that I did.